Game of Thrones Character Mentions: All Seasons (2024)

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Can you name the characters that are mentioned at least 10 times across all seasons of Game of Thrones?

By edsphar


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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


MentionsCharacterSeason with most mentions
270Season 7
229Season 4
227Season 3
198Season 2
193Season 1
184Season 2
180Season 7
161Season 6
159Season 4
151Season 4
143Season 7
139Season 1
130Season 2
121Season 4
120Season 1
105Season 1
96Season 5
94Season 1
90Season 4
85Season 2
79Season 3
76Season 3
70Season 3
69Season 4
67Season 1
67Season 1
65Season 2
62Season 1
57Season 6
55Season 1
51Season 4
47Season 1
47Season 5
46Season 2
MentionsCharacterSeason with most mentions
46Season 4
44Season 3
42Season 3
41Season 1
40Season 2
40Season 4
37Season 6
33Season 7
33Season 6
33Season 4
32Season 1
31Season 5
31Season 6
31Seasons 1 and 5
31Season 4
29Seasons 3 and 4
29Season 3
27Season 8
27Seasons 5 and 7
26Season 7
24Seasons 1 and 5
24Season 6
22Season 8
22Seasons 3 and 6
22Season 3
22Season 4
21Season 4
21Season 4
21Season 2
20Season 5
20Season 7
20Season 1
20Season 4
20Season 2
MentionsCharacterSeason with most mentions
19Season 7
19Season 1
18Season 6
17Season 2
16Season 3
16Seasons 3 and 4
16Season 2
15Season 6
15Season 5
14Season 6
14Season 7
14Season 7
14Season 4
14Season 5
14Season 2
13Season 4
13Season 7
13Season 3
13Season 3
12Season 1
12Season 1
12Season 5
12Seasons 4 and 5
12Season 2
12Season 4
12Season 3
11Season 4
11Season 1
10Season 6
10Season 4
10Season 5
10Season 2
10Season 1
Game of Thrones Character Mentions: All Seasons (2024)


Was any character in every episode of Game of Thrones? ›

No one appeared in every episode of Game of Thrones, but here's a list of the characters who appeared the most.

Which character appears most in Game of Thrones? ›

Tyrion Lannister - 67 Episodes

Peter Dinklage's character, Tyrion Lannister, appears in more episodes than any other character on Game of Thrones. The cleverest member of the Lannister clan appeared in 67 of the 73 episodes. He's introduced in the very first episode and makes it all the way to the last one.

Which character has most fans in Game of Thrones? ›

Tormund's blunt personality and hilarious lines quickly made him a fan-favorite Game of Thrones character, especially when he set his eyes on Brienne of Tarth and became instantly smitten with her.

Who is the only American in Game of Thrones? ›

Recent News. Peter Dinklage (born June 11, 1969, Morristown, New Jersey, U.S.) is an American actor who was perhaps best known for his role as Tyrion Lannister, a humane and clever dwarf with a penchant for debauchery, on the HBO television show Game of Thrones (2011–19).

Who is the true main character in Game of Thrones? ›

Although there's no true main character in the series, Tyrion is the protagonist in many ways.

Who is the most feared character in Game of Thrones? ›

The most infamous warrior in Westeros is Ser Gregor Clegane, or the "Mountain that Rides." Aside from his explosively violent personality and his lack of consideration for the lives of others, he's best known for his immense size and strength.

Who is the most likeable character in got? ›

1 Tyrion Lannister's Wit And Charm Endeared Him To Fans

Tyrion Lannister had everything going for him in terms of likability. He was the perpetual underdog, witty and full of humor, and constantly at odds with his own family despite his obvious feelings of duty towards them.

When did Game of Thrones go bad? ›

The intricate plotting became more direct, with season 8 moving from point A to point B without subtlety or grace. Game of Thrones season 8 took the brunt of the flak, but the show's decline can actually be traced back further. The more original material that seeped into the scripts, the more flaws started to emerge.

How old is Daenerys in all seasons? ›

Daenerys is 13 at the start of the series, turns 14 during A Game of Thrones, 15 at some point during A Clash of Kings, and is now 16 by the end of A Dance With Dragons. How old is Daenerys and Jon Snow in season 8, since she called him too young for her?

Who did Emilia Clarke replace in Game of Thrones? ›

Actress Tamzin Merchant was originally cast for the part of Daenerys. When the pilot episode was re-shot in early 2010, Merchant was replaced by Clarke. The show ran from April 2011 until May 2019, with Clarke portraying Daenerys throughout all eight seasons.

Who is the most powerful character in got? ›

While Daenerys Targaryen and Tywin Lannister are among the most powerful characters to ever step foot in Westeros, their strategic thinking and intellectual ability would not save them in hand-to-hand combat. For the sake of fairness, the strength of these Game of Thrones characters is considered at their peak vs.

Who is the most mysterious character in Game of Thrones? ›

What character in Game of Thrones is the most mysterious? Characters such as Quaithe and Jaqen H'ghar spring to mind as some of the mysterious individuals in Game of Thrones, with both coming to advise main characters like Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark.

What actor was in every episode of Game of Thrones? ›

Which characters appeared in all episodes (Season 1 Episode 1 to Season 8 Episode 6) of Game of Thrones? None. Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) has appeared in 67 out of a total of 73 episodes and holds the first place. All the others have appeared in fewer.

Which episodes does Tyrion not appear in? ›

5/60 episodes of Game OF Thrones Where Tyrion Lannister was not...
  • Game of Thrones. Episode: You Win or You Die. (2011) 2011–201958mTV-MA. ...
  • Game of Thrones. Episode: The Rains of Castamere. (2013) 2011–201951mTV-MA. ...
  • Game of Thrones. Episode: First of His Name. (2014) ...
  • Game of Thrones. Episode: The Watchers on the Wall. (2014)

Did they switch characters in Game of Thrones? ›

Daario Naharis Wasn't The Only Game Of Thrones Recast

Throughout its eight-season run, there were plenty of other Game of Thrones characters that saw new actors replacing older ones. Among these are Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, Leaf, Dickon Tarly, and Rickard Karstark.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.