Search results for: Naylor John Geoffrey, page 1 (2024)

Appendix: Individuals, Organizations, and Subjects in Series 2:
Below is an index to individuals, institutions, organizations, and a small number of subject files, found in Series 2: Alphabetical Files. The index indicates the name and the alphabet year(s) in which each can be found.

Hitchco*ck did not follow strict alphabetical schema when organizing his files and filing eccentricities for the letters D, M, N, and V are explained below. The original arrangement has been left in place due to the difficulties and time involved in re-arranging the material within multiple alphabets.

Note on filing order for D's: Names beginning with the prefix "de" (e.g. De Cordova) are all filed before names beginning with the letters "de" e.g. Deerfield Academy.

Note on filing order for M's: Names beginning with the prefix "Mac" and "Mc" are all filed after names beginning with Ma. They are interfiled according to the first and subsequent letters following the prefix e.g. McIntyre, Mackay, McKean, MacLaren.

Note on filing order for N's: Proper names beginning with the word "new" (e.g. New American Library) are all filed before names incorporating the syllable "new" e.g. Newark Public Library.

Note on filing order for V's: Names beginning with the prefix "van" (e.g. Van Derpool) are all filed before names beginning with the syllable "van" e.g. Vancouver Hotel.

Missing Title

Aaron, Dan (1967)

Abbott, Etheldred (1946)

Abbott, Jere (1927, 1928, 1945-1947, 1949-1950, 1952-1955, 1958, 1968, 1982-1984, undated)

Abby, Elwina (1928)

Abraham, C. P. (1946)

Abrams, Al (1979)

Abrams, Inc. (1969, 1977-1978)

Abrams, Robert (1976)

Abramson, Louis Allen (1948, 1949)

Academy of Political Science (1952)

Achilles, Mrs. Theodore (1955)

Ackerman, James S. (1948, 1952-1955, 1960, 1964, 1966)

Ackworth, Angus (1945)

Adams, Anthony (1960)

Adams, Florence B. (1948)

Adams, Frances S. (1965)

Adams, Frederick (1949)

Adams, Henry (1974)

Adams, Nicholas (1976-1978)

Adams, Philip R. (1952)

Addis, Reid M. (1974-1975)

Addison Gallery of American Art (1953-1954)

Addison, John (1982, 1984)

Adler, David (1928)

Agtmaal, J. G. van (1958)

African Studies, International Congress of (1978)

Ahda Artzt Gallery (1964)

Air Ministry (1946)

Aitken, Dott and Son (1946-1947)

Akron (1948)

Alabama Polytechnic Institute (1955)

Aladdin Office Services (1957)

Albany Institute of History and Art (1966, 1969)

Albers, Joseph (1946)

Albrecht, Otto (1927)

Albright Art Gallery (1947)

Albright-Knox Art Gallery (1962)

Aldrich, Frances T. (1948)

Alexander, Robert L. (1951, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1963-1965, 1967-1968, 1975-1977, 1986)

Alexander, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen (1958)

Alexander, William (1968)

Alfa (1958)

Alfieri, Bruno (1959, 1964-1965, 1968-1969)

Alfonsin, Anthony (1983)

Alford, John (1946, 1955)

Alford, Roberta (1961)

Alinari (1958)

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Eliot D. (1953)

Allen, F. P. (1961)

Allen, W.G. Russell (1945, 1947, 1952-1953, 1956)

Allen and Unvin, Ltd. (1978, 1980)

Allert de Lange, C. V. (1956)

Allison, George E. (1948)

Allstate Insurance (1948)

Altree, Guy (1975)

Altschul, Frank (1952)

Alumnae Association [Smith College] (1952) ( -- see also -- : Smith College Alumnae Association)

Ambassadeurs Club (1946)

America-Italy Society (1958)

American Academy in Rome (1950, 1958-1959, 1983)

American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1953-1954, 1957-1958, 1961-1963, 1965, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1981)

American Antiquarian Society (1935, 1939, 1947, 1952, 1955)

American Architectural Books (1937, 1945, 1961)

American Association for State and Local History (1963)

American Association of Architectural Bibliographers (1958-1959, 1961, 1963-1964, 1966, 1970)

American Association of Museums (1952, 1955, 1962)

American Association of Schools of Architecture (1982)

American Association of University Professors (1948, 1981-1982)

American Association of University Women (1948, 1958)

American Automobile Association (1962)

American Collector -- (1947)

American Committee on Renaissance Studies (1954)

American Council of Learned Societies (1950, 1961, 1963, 1980)

American Embassy, London (1962)

American Express (1952, 1955)

American Federation of Arts (1942, 1947-1948, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1974)

American Friends Service Committee (1951)

American Historical Association (1942)

American Historical Review -- (1943, 1952)

American Institute of Architects (1942, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1952-1955, 1957, 1959, 1961-1962, 1964, 1969-1970, 1972-1973, 1978, 1980)

American Institute of Planners (1945)

American Life Foundation (1972)

American Museum in Britain (1961)

American National Theatre and Academy (1952)

American Peoples Encyclopedia -- (1953)

American Philosophical Society (1943)

American Quarterly -- (1949, 1952-1953, 1955)

American Science and History Preservation Society (1981)

American Scholar -- (1948, 1982)

American Society of Architectural Historians (1945-1947)

American Society of Planners and Architects (1946)

American State Capitols Research Project, Victorian Society in America ( -- see -- : Victorian Society in America, American State Capitols Research Project)

American Studies Association (1976)

American Unitarian Association (1941)

Amery, Colin (1982)

Ames, Eleanor D. (1968)

Ames, Winslow (1942, 1945-1947, 1950-1957, 1965, 1967-1968, 1970, 1976, 1978-1979, 1981)

Ames, Winslow and Anna (1973)

Amherst College (1967)

Amsterdam (1963)

Amulree, Basil (1946-1947, 1952)

Ancient Monuments Society (1957)

Anderson (1951)

Anderson and Castle, Ltd. (1959)

Anderson, Arthur J. (1955)

Anderson, P. G. (1946, 1955, 1958)

Anderson, Paul R. (1946)

Anderson Photographers (1952)

Anderson, Stanford (1979)

Andrews, Edward (1959)

Andrews, George F. (1959-1960)

Andrews, Wayne (1945, 1947, 1956, 1958, 1961-1964, 1968-1970, 1982)

Annan and Sons (1936, 1954, 1956, 1958)

Anson, Peter F. (1953, 1955)

Antheil Booksellers (1969)

Antiques (1981)

Antunes, Paulo (1958)

Appalachian Mountain Club (1946)

Appel, R. G. (1965)

Appleman, Philip (1957)

Appleton, William Sumner (1946)

Arango, Jorge (1955)

Archaeological Institute of America (1928, 1950, 1952-1955)

Archaeology -- (1952)

Archer, John (1964, 1976)

Architect and Building News -- (1949)

Architects Discussion Group (1966)

Architects for Peace (1982)

Architects Journal -- (1956)

Architects Yearbook -- (1946, 1955-1956)

Architectura -- (1969, 1971-1972)

Architectural Association (1946, 1956, 1962)

Architectural Design -- (1951, 1956-1957, 1967, 1978)

Architectural Digest -- (1980)

Architectural Forum -- (1945, 1954-1955, 1957, 1964, 1966-1969)

Architectural Heritage -- (1968)

Architectural History -- (1966)

Architectural History Association, Inc. (1976)

Architectural History Foundation, Inc. (1978-1987)

Architectural League of New York (1950, 1962, 1974-1975)

Architectural Press (1945-1951, 1954-1958, 1964, 1968, 1982)

Architectural Quarterly -- (1968)

Architectural Record -- (1928, 1936, 1937, 1946, 1948, 1950-1952, 1954-1959, 1963, 1966, 1969, 1976, undated)

Architectural Review -- (1927, 1945-1969, 1977, 1982-1983)

Architecture and Building (1959-1960)

Architecture Association (1950-1951, 1955, 1959)

Architecture Club (1952, 1956, 1958-1959, 1965)

Architecture Collaborative (1957)

Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries -- (Pelican History of Art series) (1962-1968)

The Architecture of H. H. Richardson and His Times -- [reprint] (1961-1962)

Architecture Plus -- (1974)

Architektoniki -- (1959)

Archives Centrales Iconographiques d'Art National (1958)

Archives Centrales Photographiques (1956)

Archives of American Art (1960-1961)

Archon Books (1967, 1979)

Arcschavir, A. (1959)

Arizona State University (1960, 1962, 1969)

ARK (1955-1956)

Arkitektens Forlag (1962)

Arlington, Margaret (1962)

Armitage, Mrs. G. W. (1951)

Armitage, Merle (1956)

Armour, John (1954)

Arnasson, H. Harvard (1956)

Arnold, Frederic K. (1948, 1955)

Arnot Art Gallery Association (1958-1959)

Art and Technics -- (1950-1951)

Art Association of Indianapolis (1947)

Art Bulletin -- (1940-1941, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1950-1951, 1953, 1955-1961, 1966- 1967, 1969)

Art Gallery of Ontario (1970)

Art Gallery of Toronto (1950) (see also: Toronto, Art Gallery of)

Arthur, Eric (1956)

Artigas, Francisco (1955)

Art in America -- (1947, 1955-1960)

Art Institute of Chicago (1951, 1956, 1978, 1983) (see also: Burnham Library;

Chicago, Art Institute of; Ryerson and Burnham Libraries)

Art Journal -- (1977)

Art News -- (1948, 1953-1955, 1959, 1967)

Art Nouveau Exhibition (1960)

Art Quarterly -- (1953-1971)

Art Reference Bureau (1958, 1967, 1970-1971)

Arts -- (1928, 1963)

Arts and Architecture -- (1956)

Arts Club of Chicago ( -- see -- : Chicago, Arts Club of)

Arts Council of Great Britain (1955-1956, 1968)

Arts Review -- (1962)

Asam Brothers (1965)

Ash, Carla Caccamise (1978)

Ashton, Leigh (1953)

Asia (1928)

Askew, Constance (1945, 1947, undated)

Askew, Constance and R. Kirk (1941, 1948, 1961)

Askew, Pamela (1977)

Askew, R. Kirk (1950-1952, 1963)

Aslin, Elizabeth (1956, 1958, 1960, 1962-1964, 1968-1970, 1972-1974, 1979-1981, 1984-1985)

Association of Art Museum Directors (1952)

Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (1949, 1954)

Atelier -- (1951)

Athenaeum of Philadelphia (1969-1970, 1977-1978, 1980-1981, 1983, 1985)

Atkin, William Wilson (1958)

Atkinson, Fello (1950-1959, 1961-1967, 1969, 1971-1973, 1977-1978, 1980, 1982)

Atkinson, G. A. (1961, 1969)

Atkinson, George (1955)

Atomic Energy Commission of Canada ( -- see -- : Canada, Atomic Energy Commission of)

Auden, W. H. (1952-1953)

Aufsberg, Lala (1958, 1965-1967, 1971-1972)

Aurora Zanichelli (1955)

Austin, A. Everett [Chick] (1953, 1957, 1984)

Austin, A. Everett [Chick] and Helen (1952)

Austin Art Center (1965) ( -- see also -- : Trinity College)

Austin, David (1966)

Austin, Helen (1948, 1950, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1965-1968, 1970, 1973, 1986, undated)

Austin, Mollie (1961)

Austin, Sarah G. (1979)

Australian Journal of Art (1978)

Authors Club (1962)

Auzas, Pierre-Marie (1965-1967, 1979-1980)

Avenue -- (1985)

Avery, Elizabeth P. (l950)

Avery Library, Columbia University (1951, 1973-1974, 1977, 1981) (see also: Columbia University)

Avery, Peter (1965)

Avery Study Center, Columbia University (1982) ( -- see also -- : Columbia University)

Avis Rent-a-Car (1961)

Azelle, Robert (1955)

"B. 1955" (2 pocket calendars) (1955)

Bacon, Leonard Lee (1970)

Bacon, Mardges (1984)

Baga, Khalid (1979)

Baggage Declaration (1945)

Bailey, James and Gordon, Inc. (1957-1962, 1964)

Bailey's Studio (1946)

Baker (1957)

Baker, Joseph (1960)

Baker, Roger (1953)

Bakewell, Hester Adams (1970)

Baldinger, Wallace S. (1949)

Baldwin, Deborah (1985)

Baldwin, Raymond E. (1945)

Baldwin, Susan (1976)

Ball, Mr. and Mrs. William Burnham (undated)

Ballard, Mary (1974)

Ballman, Lucille (1949)

Balmoral Castle (1952, 1954)

Baltimore City Museum (1952) (see also: Peale Museum)

Baltimore Museum of Art (1948)

Baltimore Sun -- (1968) ( -- see also -- : Sun) (1968)

Banham, Reyner (Peter) (1956, 1959, 1961-1962, 1972-1973)

Banham, Reyner (Peter) and Mary (1958)

Banker, Douglas (1977)

Banking (1965-1966, 1970-1971)

Bannister, Turpin C. (1941, 1943-1945, 1947, 1950-1952, 1954-1956, 1958, undated)

Bantam Books (1962)

Bar, D. D. (1969)

Barbarosa, Jorge de Castro (1957)

Barber, Leila (1966)

Barclay, Jo (1953)

Barclay's Bank (1945-1948, 1950, 1952-1955, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1972)

Bardwell, Helen H. (1955)

Barley, M. W. (1952)

Barman, Christian (1951)

Barnard College (1954-1957, 1965)

Barnes, Anthony (1952)

Barnes, Charles D. (1968)

Barnes, Cynthia (1962)

Barnes, Henry (1952)

Barnlund, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. (1949)

Barnstone, Howard (1953, 1958, 1960-1961)

Baron, Docteur Lucien (1927)

Barr, Alfred H. (1928, 1930-1932, 1937, 1945, 1954, 1973, 1981, undated)

Barr, Marga (Daisy) (1957, 1959, 1961, 1978, 1983, 1985, undated)

Barrall, Xavier (1976)

Barrand, H. (1955)

Barrett, John (1956)

Barsee, L. (1976)

Barton, Eleanor (1949, 1955-1956, 1959, 1965)

Baskin, Leonard and Lisa (1969)

Batsford, Ltd. (1941, 1948-1953, 1955-1957)

Battle, Governor (1955)

Bauch, K. (1966)

Bauer, A. (1928)

Bauer, Catherine (1940)

Bauhaus Archiv (1963)

Baumann, Christopher (1946)

Baume, Henry B. (1956-1957)

Bayer, Adolf (1963)

Bayer, Herbert (1954)

Bayer, Julia (1945, 1952)

Bayley, J. B. (1946, 1952)

Bayley, John (1953)

Bayley, Stephen (1974)

Beardall Fenton and Co. (1969)

Beatty, C. J. P. (1962)

Beck, Andy (1976)

Beck, Haig (1979)

Beckwith (1964)

Bedenkapp, John (1952-1956, 1959)

Beeton, M. (1946)

Beggs, Thomas (1946)

Belding, Ann (1950-1951)

Bell, Herbert C. F. (1946, 1948-1949, 1957-1958)

Bell, Janet M. (1952)

Bellotto (1960)

Belluschi (1954-1956)

Beloit College (1945)

Belz, Carl (1972)

Benda, E. (1931)

Bender, Angela (1966)

Bendixson, T.M.P. (1961)

Benero, Herbert W. (1955)

Benes, Miroslava (1975)

Benesch, Otto (1946, 1956)

Benesch, Otto and Eva (1947, 1959)

Bennett, Gordon C. (1946)

Bennett Books (1950)

Bennett, Richard M. (1939)

Bennett, Mrs. Roger Williams (1962)

Bennington College (1953, 1957)

Benson, Elizabeth (1962)

Benson, John Howard (1952-1954)

Benson, Robert Alan (1968)

Benton, Charlotte (1978)

Benton, Tim (1974)

Berenson, Bernard (1931)

Bergdoll, Barry (1979-1982, 1984)

Berger, Maurice (1978)

Bergeron, Claude (1967)

Berlin (1956, 1964, 1975)

Berlin, Technische Universitat (1966)

Berman, Eugene (Genya) (1931-1932, 1945, 1969)

Berman, Leonide (1931, undated)

Bermudez, Luis (1955)

Bernett, Dick (1950)

Bernett, F. A. (1959, 1963-1965, 1968)

Bernett, Frederick (1961)

Bernett, P. A. (1967)

Bernier, Rosamond (1955)

Berrill, Maurice (1958, 1958)

Berry-Hill Galleries (1971, 1981)

Betjeman, John (1946, 1952, 1956)

Bett, Regina (1966-1967)

Bevan, Roger (1978)

Beyer, Klaus G. (1970-1971)

Bialostocki, Jan (1968, 1970-1971, 1973, 1985)

Bicknell, Minnette (1975)

Bicknell, Peter (1965)

Biederman, Charles (1978)

Bielfeld Kunsthalle (1968-1970, 1973-1975, 1985) ( -- see also -- : Kunsthalle Bielfeld)

Biennale (1959-1960)

Bier, Julius (1953)

Bildarchiv -- (1956)

Billcliff, Roger (1971)

Bills, Paid (1965-1970)

Binet, Ann (1955)

Birkhams, Martin (1960)

Birmingham Public Library (1946)

Birrell, J. P. (1963)

Birthday (1978, 1980, 1983, 1985)

Bischoff, Ralph F. (1946)

Bissell, Elaine (1951)

Bixley, Grace (1954)

Blach, Peter (1939)

Blackheath Society (1955)

Blackman, Audrey (1962-1963)

Blake, Sarah (1966)

Blanch, M. (1958)

Blanckenhagen, Peter H. von (1979)

Blau, Eve M. (1978-1984)

Bletter, Rosemarie (1981-1982)

Bliss, Eleanor (1945, 1947-1953, 1959-1960, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1974-1975, 1978, 1981, undated)

Bliss, Robert (1963)

Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods (1958)

Bloch, Stella Rubenstein (undated)

Blond, Anthony (1962)

Bloom, Florence and William (1964-1965)

Blue Cross/Blue Shield (1963, 1982, 1985) ( -- see also -- : Medicare/Blue Shield)

Blume, Marcia (1960-1961)

Blunt, Anthony (1946)

Blyth, R. Henderson (1947-1948)

Boardman, Jane Carrott (1969)

Boas, George (1954)

Boase, T.S.R. (1957)

Bobbs Merrill Co. (1966, 1968, 1971)

Bober, Harry (1955, 1957)

Bodine, Thomas R. (1973)

Boggs, Jean (1952, 1957, 1960, 1962)

Bohan, Peter J. (1957, 1963)

Bohdan, Carol (1971)

Boissonnas (1927)

Bollingen Foundation, Inc. (1956, 1960)

Bolschwig, Otto A. (1927) ( -- see also -- : Van Bolschwig, Otto A.)

Bolton and Fairhead, Ltd. (1946-1947)

Bond van Nederlandsche Architecten (1956)

Bonet Gari, Luis (1972-1973)

Bonn (1963-1964)

Bony, Jean (1956)

Bonython, John (1966)

Book Land (1963)

Boothby, Norman B. (1952)

Booziotis, Bill (1959)

Borgenecht Gallery (1961)

Borges, Max (1956)

Born, Ernest (1952)

Bornecque, Jacques-Henry (1955)

Borowski and Co. (1970)

Boschma, C. (1963)

Bose, Konrad (1953-1954)

Boston Albany Railroad (1963)

Boston Architecture Center (1949, 1966)

Boston Arts Festival (1954)

Boston Athenaeum (1950-1951)

Boston College (1975)

Boston, Municipal Court of (1966)

Boston, Museum of Fine Arts (1945, 1947-1950, 1967, 1969, 1975, 1982) ( -- see also -- : Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Boston Public Library (1955)

Boston Redevelopment Authority (1964, 1967)

Boston Society of Independent Artists (1950)

Boston University (1954, 1963, 1968)

Botz, H. (1969)

Bourgeois, Victor (1953)

Boutmy, P. de (1956)

Bouton, Margaret (1949)

Bouverie, David Pleydell (1945, 1950, 1952-1953, 1955, 1965, 1972-1973, 1975) ( -- see also -- : Pleydell-Bouverie, David)

Bowdin College (1973-1974)

Bowen, Carroll G. (1960)

Bowler, Fairchild (1955)

Boyd, Robin (1966)

Boyden, Mary (1952)

Boyer, Christine (1983)

Boyle, Michael (1970)

Brackett, Jeffrey R. (1935)

Bradley, John (1957)

Bradley, Prentice (1954)

Bramm, Vincent (1974)

Brandeis University (1961)

Brandl, Ernest H. (1946-1947, 1959-1961)

Brandon, Harvey (1970, 1981)

Brandon-Jones, John (1955-1956, 1960)

Branner, Robert (1964-1966)

Brasher, Louise Tharaud (1979)

Braxton, Anne (1968)

Brazil (1957)

Braziller, George (1959-1961, 1966, 1972)

Brena, Francisco (Paco) (1982-1983)

Brendel, Otto J. (1950)

Brentano Books (1941, 1946)

Brett, Lionel (1953, 1955)

Bretter, Ernest (1955)

Brewer, Charles (1961)

Brewer, Gussie (1946)

Brewer, Helen (1959)

Brewer, Joseph (1928, 1935-1938, 1940-1941, 1944-1961, 1964, 1967, 1969, 1971-1973, 1984)

Brewer, Warren and Putnam, Inc. (1932)

Brewster, E. W. (1946)

Brewster, Margaret F. (1946)

Briggs, Rose T. (1947, 1949-1954, 1963-1964, 1973, 1978, 1981)

Bright, William E. (1959)

Brighton Corp. (1958)

Brion-Guerry, L. (1971)

Bristol Society of Architects (1951)

Bristol, University of (1963, 1965-1967)

Britannica Encyclopedia (1953) ( -- see also -- : -- Encyclopedia Britannica -- )

British Book Center (1951-1952)

British Broadcasting Corporation (1955, 1969, 1974-1975)

British Committee for the Interchange of Teachers (1951-1952, 1955)

British Council (1960)

British Council in the Netherlands (1952)

British Information Services (1945, 1951)

British Ministry of War Transport (1945, undated)

British Museum (1950)

Britton, Coby (1972)

Broadfoot, Winston (1976-1977)

Brockhaus Fine Arts (1974)

Brocklebank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (1986)

Brocklebank, Marcia Early (Mrs. Charles) (1966, 1973, 1977-1978)

Brockunier, S. H. (1952)

Broderick, Mosette Glaser (1974-1977, 1979-1981, 1985-1986)

Brodrick, Peter (1949-1957, undated)

Brokaw, Chloe (1961)

Brooklyn Museum (1945, 1963, 1967, 1977)

Brooks, H. Allen (1953, 1956, 1958-1983)

Brotz, Howard (1963-1964, 1966, 1979)

Brown, Betty (1960)

Brown, Charles H. (1958, 1962)

Brown, Donald H. (1955-1956)

Brown, Eric (1949)

Brown, Blanche (1972)

Brown, Elizabeth Miles (1977)

Brown, Mrs. Leonard M. (1967)

Brown, Margaret (1949, 1951)

Brown, Milton W. (1957, 1976)

Brown, Robert (1970, 1974-1975)

Brown, Theodore (1956)

Brown University (1982)

Brown, William E. (1955)

Browne, Mrs. Douglas (1952)

Brownstone Revival Committee of New York City (1969-1970)

Bruccoli, Matthew (1965)

Brun, Jean-Pierre (1973)

Brunet, Peirre (1956)

Brunner, Bob (1962)

Brussels (1972)

Bryan, John Albury (1970)

Bryan, Polly (1959)

Bryant, Helen P. (1962)

Bryn Mawr College (1973-1974)

Bucarelli, Palma (1965)

Bucher, Francois (1960)

Buchholz Gallery (1948)

Buchman, Joan (1968)

Buck, Robert L. (1982)

Buckley, Charles E. (1964, 1971)

Buckman, Louise (1950)

Buddensieg, Tilmann (1978)

Buell, Irwin A. (1948)

Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts (1939, 1982)

Buffalo Architectural Guidebook (1979, 1981-1982)

Building Design (1974)

Building Magazine (1951)

Built in the U.S.A. (1952)

Bull, Harry (1946)

Bulloch, O. M. (1956)

Bulloche, J. E. (1955)

Bullock (1978)

Bulloz (1958)

Bunce, John (1954)

Bunce, Nellie (1955, 1959, 1968, 1973, 1979-1980, 1986)

Bunschaft, Gordon (1956)

Bunting, Bainbridge (1967)

Burchard, John Ely (1947, 1951-1952, 1956, 1962)

Burden, William A. M. (1955)

Burdon-Muller, Rowland (1948-1952)

Burg, Hermann and Margaret (1946)

Burg, John (1958)

Burke, Anne (1962-1964, 1967-1970, undated)

Burke, Joseph (1954-1958)

Burnham, Alan (1942, 1937, 1956-1957, 1970)

Burnham, Frances B. ( 1953)

Burnham Library, Art Institute of Chicago (1945, 1971) ( -- see also -- : Ryerson and Burnham Libraries; Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago, Art Institute of)

Burns, Howard (1968)

Burns, John (1952, 1983)

Burroughs, T.H.B. (1967)

Burton, Christopher (1963)

Burton, Emily (1952)

Burton, Michael (1953, 1956)

Bush, Lucile (1965)

Bush, Martin H. (1963)

Bush-Brown, Albert (1952, 1956-1958, 1977)

Bush-Brown, Harold (1954, 1965)

Butler, Jeanne F. (1972)

Butler, L. D. (1967)

Butler, Ruth (1957)

Butterfield, Victor (1945, 1947)

Butterick, George F. (1978)

Cabral, Edward (1980)

Cadbury-Brown, John (1955)

Cadbury-Brown, H. T. (Jim) (1956, 1958)

Cahill, Fred V. (1957)

Cahn, Elizabeth (1977)

Calder, Sandy (1938, 1955-1956)

Caldwell, Ian (1975-1976)

Calendars (see: B.1955)

California (1965)

California Institute of Technology (1948-1949)

California Palace of the Legion of Honor (1950)

California, San Jose State University (1979)

California, University of (1951-1952, 1961, 1964, 1966-1967, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1980)

Callisen, Sterling A. (1941)

Callisen, Sterling A. and Sally (1945)

Cambridge [Mass.] Historical Society (1967)

Cambridge University (1962, 1964, 1966)

Campagnie Francaise d'Aeronautiques (1956)

Campanella, Gaspare (1970)

Campbell, Colin G. (1978)

Campbell, Malcolm (1975)

Canada, Atomic Energy Commission of (1973)

Canada Council (1971)

Canada, National Archives of (1956)

Canada, National Gallery of (1926, 1960)

Canada, Royal Architectural Institute of (1960)

Canfield, Abigail and Cass (1975)

Canner and Co. (1949)

Caples, Sara Elizabeth (1969-1970)

Car (European) (1965)

Car (1966)

Cardiff Public Library (1946)

Carey, Jane F. (1973)

Carey T. (1973)

Carlhian, Jean Paul (1952-1953, 1966, 1971, 1973)

Carling, E .B. (1947-1948)

Carlisle, Anna (1956)

Carlson, Ralph (1979)

Carnegie Book Shop (1952)

Carnegie Institute (1955, 1985)

Carnegie Institute of Technology (1947, 1954)

Carpenter, G. R. (1946)

Carpenters Company of Philadelphia (1973)

Carr, Gerald (1968)

Carre Gallerie (1947-1949)

Carrington, Robert (1953, 1970)

Carroll, Martha 1975

Carrott, Richard G. (1955-1956, 1959-1963, 1965, 1967-1969, 1971-1979, 1981-1986)

Carter, Amon E. (1960)

Carter Foundation (1961)

Carter, Lady Bonham (1956)

Carter, Edward C. (Bobby) (1926, 1944-1948, 1960)

Carter, Ernestine (1947, 1952, 1962-1963, 1968, 1978-1979, 1983) ( -- see also -- : Carter, John and Ernestine)

Carter, Gwendolyn (1952)

Carter, John 1941, (1946, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1959)

Carter, John and Ernestine (1936, 1945) ( -- see also -- : Carter, Ernestine)

Carter, Norman F. (1952, 1954, 1959)

Casabella-Continuita (1961, 1965)

Casanelles, Enric (1959)

Cascieri, Arcangelo (1954)

Case Western Reserve University (1972-1973)

Cassidy, Victor M. (1974)

Cassilly, Carolyn (1974)

Casson, Hugh (1948, 1955)

Cassy, Edmund J. (1964)

Cast Iron Architecture, Friends of (1970, 1973-1974)

Castano Galleries (1963)

Castro, Dicken (1955-1957, 1960-1961)

Catholic University of America (1963)

Catlin, Stanton L. (1952, 1956)

Catsoulis, Evangelos (1981, 1983)

Causey, Andrew (1983)

Cavanagh, Tom R. (1949)

Cement and Concrete Association (1954)

Center for Inter-American Relations (1969)

Central Corporate Library (1960)

Central Council for the Care of Churches (1955)

Central National Bank of Middletown (1946)

Central Office of Information (1955-1956)

Centrum (1963)

Century Association (1972-1973, 1975-1977, 1979-1980, 1982, 1984)

Cetto, Max L. (1960)

Chafee, D. S. (1984)

Chafee, Richard (1969, 1974, 1976-1978)

Chalfont, Randolph (1962-1963)

Chambers Encyclopedia -- (1946-1949, 1954, 1961-1963)

Chapin, Betty (1981)

Chapin, Betty and Schuyler G. (1975, 1982)

Chapman, Edward (1952-1953)

Chapman, Rosamund (1957)

Charette (1963)

Charney, W. Mick (1977)

Chattey, Paul W. (1983)

Cheek, Leslie (1946-1948, 1953, 1984)

Cheek, Richard (1978-1979)

Chelmsford and District Chapter, Society of Architects (1962)

Cheltham, Charles (1962, 1964)

Chermayeff, Serge (1939, 1946-1948, 1950, 1954)

Chernow, Barbara (1982)

Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. (1948)

Chevojon Freres (1956, 1958)

Chicago Architectural Landmarks, Commission on (1964)

Chicago Architectural Photographing Co. (1956, 1958, 1966)

Chicago, Art Institute of (1937, 1944, 1945, 1951, 1960, 1978) ( -- see also -- : Art Institute of Chicago; Burnham Library Ryerson; Burnham Libraries)

Chicago, Arts Club of (1951-1952)

Chicago Committee on Architectural Landmarks (1960)

Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, Commission on (1969-1970, 1973, 1975)

Chicago School of Architecture Foundation (1967)

Chicago, University of (1947, 1953, 1957, 1961-1962, 1973, 1986) ( -- see also -- : University of Chicago)

Chickering, A. H. (1954)

Childs, Charles D. (1951-1952, 1955)

Childs, Maurice F. (1952, 1955)

Chittenden, A. J. (1947)

Christian Science Monitor -- (1948)

Christiansen, Erwin O. (1946)

Christmas Cards (1952, 1983, undated)

Church, Robert M. (1951-1952, 1954-1955)

Churchill, Agnes (1948)

Cincinnati (1969)

Cincinnati Art Museum (1955-1956, 1960-1961)

Cincinnati Astronomical Society (1935)

Cincinnati Modern Art Society (1948)

Cincinnati, University of (1966)

Cistercian Order (1958)

City Art Museum of St. Louis ( -- see -- : St. Louis, City Art Museum of)

City University of New York (1970, 1974-1976, 1978)

City [of Springfield, Mass.] Library Association (1954)

Ciucci, Giorgio (1970)

Claflin, Agnes Rindge (1948-1949, 1952, 1956, 1959, 1961, 1966, 1973, 1977-1978) ( -- see also -- : Rindge, Agnes)

Clapp, Verner W. (1953)

Clark Art Institute (1973, 1986)

Clark, G. R. (1946)

Clark, James (1973)

Clark, Orton Loring (1952)

Clark, Robert J. (1960, 1963-1971, 1974-1975, 1980)

Clark, Ronald W. (1956)

Clark, Susan (1975)

Clark, Willene B. (1976)

Clarke, M. L. (1962)

Clarke, Marian (1947-1948, 1950)

Clarke, Peter (1946)

Clausen, Meredith (1987)

Clayton, B. D. (1971-1972)

Clayton, Barry (1965)

Clerehan, Neil (1953)

Clews, Mrs. Henry (1955)

Clifton-Raymond Associates (1968)

Clifton-Taylor, Alec (1984)

Clinton [Conn.] Historical Society (1947)

Close, Elizabeth (1960)

Clough, R. T. (1959)

Club of Odd Volumes (1948-1950, 1952-1957, 1961-1965, 1968-1970)

Cochrane, Alexander S. (1947, 1951-1954)

Cochrane, Alexander and Cally (1950)

Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (1953)

Cochrane, Eric (1964)

Cochrane, Eric and Lydia (1956, 1983, 1985)

Cochrane, Lydia (1955, 1959, 1960-1963, 1965, 1967, 1970-1971, 1975, 1977-1978, 1980-1982, 1984, 1986)

Coddington, John (1945-1949, 1951, 1956-1957, 1959, 1961-1962, 1968-1970, 1977, undated)

Coe, Bill (1958)

Coe, R. E. (Ted) (1962)

Coe, Ralph T. (1953, 1955, 1974)

Coffin, David R. (1965, 1968, 1973)

Cogswell, Dorothy (1951, 1959, 1962)

Cohen, Alfred (1946)

Cohen, Joan L. (1954-1957, 1960, 1963-1965)

Cohn, David N. (1984)

Cohn, Suzanne (1968)

Colby College (1968)

Cole, Dorothy (1958)

Cole, Harry (1957)

Coletti, Joseph (1961)

Coletti, Paul (1957)

Colgate University (1976, 1978)

Colibris Editora Ltda. (1962, 1964-1965, 1967)

Colin, Mrs. Ralph F. ( 1955)

Collaborazione Culturale, Instituto per la (1962)

College Art Association (1940, 1946-1953, 1955-1959, 1961-1964, 1966, 1969-1971, 1973-1979)

Colliers Encyclopedia -- (1947-1949, 1958-1959)

Collins, Cecil (1956)

Collins, Colin (1955)

Collins, Elizabeth (1959)

Collins, George R. (1960-1961, 1964, 1968, 1975-1976, 1979, 1983)

Collins, Peter (1964-1965, 1967-1968)

Colonial Travel Bureau (1955)

Columbia Historical Society (1982)

Columbia University 1937, 1939-1941, 1945, 1947-1948, 1954-1956, 1958-1959, 1961, 1964-1969, 1971, 1973-1977, 1979-1983, 1985-1986 ( -- see also -- : Avery Library; Avery Study Center, Columbia University)

Columbia University, Temple Hoyle Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture (1984)

Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts (1948-1949)

Colvin, Howard M. (1959)

Colwell, Miriam (1976)

Combs, Tom (1975)

Comite Francais D'Historie de L'Art (1967)

Commercial Credit Corporation (1947)

Committee for the Centennial Exhibition of New England Architecture (1957)

Committee for the Preservation of Architectural Records (1979)

Committee on Education and Labor, U. S. Congress (1954)

Committee on Government and Art (see: Government and Art, Committee on)

Community Arts Center (1945)

Community Chest (1958)

Comparative Studies in Society and History -- (1958)

Conant, Kenneth G. (1946-1947, 1952, 1973)

Concrete Quarterly -- (1955)

Condit, Carl W. (1963)

Condolence Letters [on death of mother] (1952)

Conference Board of Associated Research Councils (1948, 1951)

Congress on the History of Art, Twentieth International (1960-1961)

Conlon, Kathleen M. (1969)

Connaissance des Artes -- (1959)

Connecticut Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (1946-1947)

Connecticut College (1938-1942, 1944, 1947, 1953, 1956, 1963, undated)

Connecticut Commission on the Arts (1968)

Connecticut, Department of Agriculture (1937)

Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection (1986)

Connecticut, State of (1946, 1948)

Connecticut, University of (1952, 1963)

Connecticut Valley Historical Museum (1954)

Connors, Joseph (1984)

Constable, Olivia (1955)

Constable, W. G. (1952-1953)

Constantine, Mildred (1952, 1955, 1960-1961, 1963)

Contemporary Authors -- (1978)

Cook, R. V. ( 1946)

Cook, Ruth (1952, 1956)

Cook, Mrs. Sidney (1950)

Cook, Thomas (1956-1957)

Cook, Walter (1946-1947, 1949-1956, 1958)

Cooke, Howard Lester (1954-1955)

Cookson, Beatrice (1970)

Coolidge, Harold (1956)

Coolidge, John (1939-1941, 1944-1945, 1950-1951, 1953-1956, 1958, 1960-1962, 1966, 1968, 1973-1974, 1976, 1978-1979, 1983, undated)

Coolidge, John and Polly (1947-1949, 1969, 1977)

Coolidge, Polly (1952)

Cooper (1952)

Cooper, Douglas (1947, 1953, 1960)

Cooper-Hewitt Museum (1972-1973, 1975, 1979-1980, 1983)

Cooper Union (1946-1948, 1955, 1964-1965, 1968)

Copp, Philip (1979)

Copplestone, Lewin (1972)

Corcoran, Desmond (1981)

Corcoran, G. S. (1946)

Corcoran, Gerald (1952)

Cordes, Paul (1945)

Cordingley, Alan (1957, 1961)

Cordingly, Ann (1975)

Corke, Jean (1962)

Corkran, W. S. (1954-1955)

Cornell University (1946, 1964-1966, 1969, 1976)

Corning Glass Center (1952)

Cortetti, John (1952)

Costabel, Jorge (1956)

Costopoulos, Dorothy (1973-1975)

Cott, Perry B. (1946, 1949)

Country Life -- (1952-1954, 1956, 1958, 1962-1963)

Courtauld Institute of Art (1966)

Court House (1979)

Courtright, Margot (1978)

Covell, William King (1936, 1946, 1948-1952, 1958, 1962-1963, 1965, 1968)

Coventry Architecture and Planning Department (1955)

Cowdrey, Mary Bartlett (1951, 1952-1955, 1958-1965, 1968, 1973-1974)

Cowin, Ruth (1962)

Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner (1975)

Cowles, William S. (1952)

Cowling, Francis B. (1949-1950)

Cox, Harvey (1970)

Cox, Trenchard (1952, 1956)

Cox, Warren (1957)

Craig, Maurice James (1949)

Cranbrook Academy and Museum of Art (1982, 1984)

Crandall, Robert T. (1959)

Crane, Alexander (1949, 1951)

Crane, Tom (1980)

Crapanzano, Frank (1947)

Craven, Wayne (1962)

Crawford, Martha (1958)

Creative Art (1928)

Creese, Walter (1945, 1950-1954, 1956, 1960-1962, 1968-1969)

Criticism (1961)

Crivelli Galleria (1960)

Crook, Joseph Mordaunt (1975, 1981, 1983)

Crosby, Sumner (1951-1952, 1958-1959)

Crowe, R. N. (1956)

Crowell Co. (1967)

Crowell, Frederick (1962-1963)

Crystal Palace (1954)

Cubitt, James (1952, 1966)

Cucci, Ditta (1966)

Culpepper, Ralph (1966)

Cultural Center, New York (1974)

Cummings, Abbott Lowell (1947, 1951, 1956, 1964)

Cunard Lines (1949, 1973, 1976)

Cunill, Titit (1973, 1974)

Cunningham, Charles C. (1945, 1947-1948, 1957, 1962, 1964, undated)

Cunningham, Charles C. and Priscilla (1958, 1961, 1968)

Cunningham, E. (1963)

Cunningham, Priscilla (1959-1960, 1973) ( -- see also -- :

Cunningham, Charles C. and Priscilla)

Curjel, Hans (1952)

Curtis, L. P. (1952)

Curtis, Louis (1967)

Custom Shop (1946, 1953)

Customs 1947, (1948, 1952, 1958-1959)

Cutting, Gloria P. (1950)

Czech, Hermann (1969)

Dabrowski, Magdalena (1973)

Da Capo Press, Inc. (1974, 1976)

Dahl, Curtis (1975, 1978)

D'Amato, Alfonse M. (1986)

Dame, Bernard L. (1949)

Dane, William J. (1955, 1957)

Danes, Gibson (1947-1958, 1961, 1966, 1972)

Danish Architectural Press (1962)

Dannatt, Trevor (1952-1953, 1955)

D'Arcy Galleries (1961)

Dark, Frank (1955-1958, 1964)

Darmstadt, Technische Hochschule (1966)

Darr, William (1956)

Dartmouth College (1937, 1947, 1968, 1978)

Darwin, Dana (1957)

Dauber and Pine (1951, 1958, 1966)

Davidson, Eugene (1952)

Davidson, L. (1955)

Davidson, Rita 1947

Davidson, W. F. (1952)

Davies, Jane B. (1957, 1969)

Davies, Turner and Co. (1946-1947)

Davis (1959)

Davis, Dotsie (1984) ( -- see also -- : Davis, Samuel R. and Dotsie)

Davis, E. Holden (1969)

Davis, Elizabeth H. (1953)

Davis, Howland S. (1948)

Davis, Laura (1945)

Davis, Lavinia (1961)

Davis, Philip and Helen (1927)

Davis, Richard S. (1950, 1952, 1954-1955, 1957, 1959)

Davis, Robert G. (1954)

Davis, Robert Tyler (1948, 1950)

Davis, Rodman (1983)

Davis, Samuel R. (1969-1973, 1976, 1978-1979, 1981)

Davis, Samuel R. and Dotsie (1983) ( -- see also -- : Davis, Dotsie)

Davis, Wendell (1945-1946, 1949, 1953-1955, 1958)

Davis, William (1946, 1955)

Davison, George W. (1945)

Davison, Robert (1947)

Davy Car Hire (1953-1954, 1958)

Dawes, Horace (1946)

Dawes House (1954)

Dawson, Tom (1952-1953)

Dayton Art Institute (1953)

De Cordova and Dana Museum and Park (1949)

De Graaff, Jan (1940)

De Long, David (1973, 1979-1981, 1983-1984, 1986-1987)

De Mare, Eric (1956)

De Sales, Xavier (1956)

De Vaughan, Carol (1969)

De Witt, Dennis (1976)

De Witt, Mrs. Vergil B. (1947)

De Zurko, Edward R.(1951-1954, 1956-1957, 1959)

De la Faille, C. A. Baart (1952)

Dean, Margaret (1951, 1953-1954)

Dearstyne, Howard (1958-1959, 1972, 1974)

Deere and Co. (1965)

Deerfield Academy (1966)

Deerfield Village (1959)

Delafield, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Livingston (1962, 1965)

Delafield, Lawrence (1965)

Delafono, John (1952, 1955)

Delahoyd, Mary (1971)

Delaney, Beauford (1961)

Delaware, University of (1957, 1961, 1967, 1970, 1976)

Delftsch Bouwkundig Studenten Gezelschap (1963)

Delhaye, Jean (1960)

Dema, S. J. (1951)

Demithorne, Janet (1952)

Democrat Chronicle -- , Rochester, N.Y. (1936)

Dendy, William (1975)

Dening, C.F.W. (1946)

Department [Smith College Art Department] (1956) ( -- see also -- : Smith College)

Department of State (1952) ( -- see also -- : State Department; United States Department of State)

Des Grange, Jane (1960)

Deshmukh, C. D. (1965)

Design -- (1957)

Detroit Institute of Arts (1945, 1959)

Deul, C. A. (1956)

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (1963)

Deutsche Bank (1965, 1967)

Deutscher Kunstverlag CMBH (1969, 1971)

Devinoy, Pierre (1948, 1952, 1956)

Dewald, Ernest (1951)

Di Blasi, Louise (1962)

Dick Travel Agency (1945, 1947-1949)

Dickey, John M. (1973)

Dickson, Harold E. (1951-1952, 1956)

Dictionary of American Biography -- (1955)

Dictionary of the Arts -- (1942)

Dillon, James L. (1956)

Dillon, Joan (1955)

Dinan Associates (1982)

Dingwall, Ronald J. (1947)

Dinnerstein, Lois (1961)

Dipsas Booksellers (1950)

Directory of American Scholars -- (1963)

Dix, George (1950)

Dodd, Mrs. Dexter (1961)

Dodd, E. Merrick 1961

Dodd, Eugene M. (1964-1965)

Dodd, Lamar (1956)

Dodd, Maurice (1946-1948)

Dodge Corp. (1954)

Doesberg, Theo V. (1930)

Dole, Philip (1962)

Dolker (1956)

Doll and Richards (1952)

Domitilla, O.S.B. (1969)

Donaldson, James R. (1970)

Donaldson, Norman V. (1952)

Donnell, Courtney G. (1972, 1974, 1980-1981)

Donnelly, Marian C. (1982)

Donnisfes, Sam (1975)

Dooley, William G. (1947)

Dorbey, Margaret (1957)

Dorfles, Gillo (1956)

Dormoy, Marie (1956)

Dorner, Alexander (1938-1939, 1942, 1952, 1954, undated)

Dorner, Lydia (1953)

Dorsch, George T. (1971-1972)

D'Orsi, Juliana (1955)

D'Orsi, Michael (1953)

Doubleday and Co. (1955, 1957)

Douglass Brokerage Corp. (1970)

Douglass College (1957)

Dovell, Peter (1954)

Dover Publications (1962-1963, 1969)

Dow, Mrs. Frank E. (1952-1954)

Dow, George (1946)

Dow, Marian (1950)

Downing, Antoinette F. (1949)

Downing, George E. (1961)

Downing, Mrs. George E. (1970)

Downs, Arthur Channing (1972, 1974)

Downtown Gallery (1945)

Dows, Olin (1941)

Doyle Stationery (1965-1968, 1972)

Drake Hotel (1950)

Drake, Lindsey (1946-1947, 1953)

Drake, Stuart (1979)

Drap, Al (1971)

Drawing Society (1965, 1967-1968, 1971, 1973-1975, 1977)

Drew, Jane (1946-1949, 1955, 1961)

Drew, Ralph (1953)

Drew-Bear, Lotte (1966)

Drew-Bear, Mrs. Robert (1951)

Drexler, Arthur (1956-1959, 1962, 1964, 1974, 1987)

Driscoll, Mrs. Philip (1963, 1964)

Dublin (1963)

Dublin Tour (1959)

Duell, Sloan and Pearce (1941, 1943-1945, 1947-1953, 1955, 1959-1961)

Duemling, Bob (1951-1955, 1957-1958)

Duhart, Emilio (1954-1955, 1960)

Duke University (1962, 1975)

Duncan, Hugh Dalsiel (1960)

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art (1962)

Duncan, William (1978)

Duncan, Winston (1979)

Dunham, Elizabeth W. (1954)

Dunlap Society (1976-1977)

Dunn, Esther (1950, 1954)

Dunn, Helen (1979)

Dunnell, Mrs. W. W. (1946)

Dupres, Eddie (1938)

Durand, Patricia (1956)

Durham University, School of Architecture (1960)

Durlacher Brothers (1949, 1951-1952, 1963)

Dusenberg, Elsbeth (1955)

Dutch Gables Book [ -- Netherlandish Scrolled Gables... -- ] (1977-1979)

Dutchess County Department of Planning (1968)

Dutton and Co. (1965)

Early, James (1964)

Early, Marcia A. (1962-1963)

Early Victorian Architecture in Britain -- ( -- see -- : Victorian Paperback)

East Side Communities, Association of (1976)

East Sixty-Second Street Association (1970-1972, 1976, 1979)

Eastbourne Public Libraries and Museum (1946)

Eastman, L. R. (1960)

Eaton, Leonard K. (1960, 1968, 1970-1973)

Ebert, Elizabeth Roberts (1942, 1947)

Eccles Public Library (1962)

Ecole des Arts Decoratifs (1956)

Edgell, G. H. (1953)

Ediciones 3 (1962)

Edinburgh Architectural Association (1956)

Edinburgh, British Council in (1946)

Edinburgh, City of (1946)

Edmunds, Sheila (1962-1965)

Educational Broadcasting Co. (1963)

Edwards, David J. (1954)

Edwards, Folke (1954)

Edwards, Francis, Ltd. (1946)

Edwards, Jared (1971, 1973-1974)

Egan, Patricia (1961-1962)

Egbert, Donald (1945, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1959)

Eggers, Henry L. (1948)

Eidelberg, Martin (1969)

Eisenberg, Marvin (1966)

Eisenhower, Milton (1952)

Eisenman, Alvin (1952, 1954)

Eisenman, Peter (1964, 1976)

Eisler, Benita (1976)

Eisler, Colin (1964, 1975)

Electa Editrice (1968, 1976, 1980)

Electric Co. (1954)

Elek, Paul (1945, 1957-1958, 1968, 1970)

Elkington, Mary (1955-1958)

Elkington, Robert (1960)

Ellis, Connie (1969)

Ellis, Donald G. (1952)

Ellum, Wendy (1956)

Ellison, Clifford (1964)

Elmer, Maud V. (1958, 1962)

Elmhurst, Dorothy (1937)

Emery, Ruth (1950-1951, 1954, 1956-1957, 1960-1961, 1968, 1975, 1981)

Emil, Allan D. (1954)

Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Donn (1947)

Employers Liability Insurance (1940, 1943)

Enciclopedia del l'Arte -- (1958)

Enciclopedia Italiana -- (1954)

Encyclopedia Britannica -- (1955, 1957-1959, 1970-1971) ( -- see also -- : Britannica Encyclopedia)

Encyclopedia of World Art -- (1958, 1961-1964, 1966)

Encyclopedia Universale Del l'Arte -- (1969)

Encyclopedia Universalis -- (1981)

Enggass, Robert (1961, 1963)

England, Robert (1968)

Engle Lecture (1965)

Engles, Charles (1948)

Epler, Robert (1966)

Erickson, John David (1948)

Ernst, Barbara (1979)

Ervin, John (1959, 1961)

Esherick, Joseph (1954)

Esposito, Joseph (1977-1978, 1980)

Essex Institute (1956, 1977)

Estrada, Rauel (1956)

Etherington, Edward (1968)

Etlin, Richard A. (1981)

Eton College Arts Society (1969)

Europe (1969, 1977)

Evans (1965)

Evans, Allan (1968)

Evans, David J. (1945)

Evans, James and Barbara (1952)

Evans, Janice (1974)

Evans, John (1950)

Evans, Kathleen Horne (1961)

Evans, Lydia (1945, 1968)

Evans, Rosamund (1945, 1954-1958)

Evershed, Emily (1966)

Ewart, Joy (1959)

Experiment (1963)

Ezequelle, Betty J. (1972)

Faber and Faber, Ltd. (1945, 1956)

Fahertyand Swartwood, Inc. (1970)

Fairbanks, G. (1946)

Fairbanks, Jonathan (1960, 1969, 1971-1976, 1980)

Fairhurst, P. G. (1955-1956)

Farleigh Dickinson University (1974)

Faison, S. Lane (1952-1955, 1962-1963, 1969, 1973-1974)

Fanelli, Giovanni (1969)

Farley, Margaret (1949)

Farnsworth, Edith B. (1951-1952)

Farnsworth, John (1952-1953)

Farthing, Cecil (1956, 1959)

Fast-Wengenmayer, Annemarie (1973)

Faulkner, Jean and Winthrop W. (1956)

Faulkner, Winthrop W. (1961)

Feddersen, Phil A. (1951)

Feder, Kathy S. (1972)

Feesender, De Witt H. (1953)

Fehm, Sherwood A. (1969)

Feinberg, Barry (1957, 1960)

Feingold, Jessica (1946)

Feininger, Lyonel (1930)

Feld, Stuart (1969)

Feriday, Peter (1964)

Ferry, Hawkins 1945

Ferry, W. H. (1947)

Fiat (1959)

Fickert Insurance (1965, 1970)

Fielden F. (1956, 1966)

Fife Memorial Fund (1951-1952)

Fifth Avenue Playhouse Group, Inc. (1928)

Film sur l'art (1957)

Fine Arts Agents (1946)

Finkel, Kenneth (1974)

Finsbury, Metropolitan Borough of (1946)

Fire Alarm Maintenance Co. (1957)

First National Bank of Northampton (1952)

First Presbyterian Church, Baltimore (1939)

Fischer Fine Arts, Ltd. (1972)

Fischer, H. R. (1962-1963)

Fischer, Wend (1974)

Fischer, Wolfgang (1973, 1980-1981)

Fisher, Howard T. (1930, 1957, 1976)

Fisher, Jutto (1962)

Fishl, Leslie (1960)

Fisker, Kay (1947-1953, 1956, 1960-1961)

Fitch, James Marston (1959, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1980)

Fitz-Gerald, Charles (1951, 1959)

Fitz-Gerald, Helen Louise (1963, 1966-1967, 1969, 1972, 1978)

Fitz-Gerald, Norman (1959)

Fitzgerald, D.V.J. (1971)

Fitzwilliam Museum (1951)

Flamm, Roy (1951)

Flanders, Ralph E. (1950, 1953)

Fleetwood-Hedreth, Peter (1970)

Fleming and Co. (1957)

Fleming, John (1963, 1965, 1969)

Fletcher Co. (1954)

Fletcher, J. S. (1924)

Fletcher, Norman (1951, 1953-1954, 1956-1957)

Flexner, James (1950)

Flint, C. (1966)

Florida State University (1949)

Florida, University of (1962)

Floyd, Margaret Henderson (1981)

Fodera, Leonardo (1960-1961)

Foeder, Barton (1950)

Fogel, Seymour (1952)

Fogg Art Museum (1945, 1948-1949, 1965, 1969, 1974, 1977)

Foley, Charles H. (1955)

Foley, J. B. (1963)

Foley, May E. (1955)

Fondersmith, John (1977)

Foote, E. J. (1975)

Forbes, Astrid and Kip (1975)

Forbes, John Douglas (1950, 1952, 1957-1958, 1962-1964)

Force, Juliana (1946)

Ford, Anne (1967)

Ford, Charles (1946)

Ford, Edith (1952-1953)

Ford, Edsel (1936)

Ford Foundation (1964)

Forman, Henry Chandlee (1957)

Forstman (1970)

Forstman, Theodore (1969)

Fort Wayne 1973

Forum Magazine -- (1950, 1957-1959)

Foster, Kathleen A. (1981)

Foster, Philip (1971-1975, 1978, 1986)

Foto Hutter (1966)

Foto Van Ojen (1958)

Foulkes, William George (1971-1972, 1978, 1986)

Fourth Avenue Booksellers (1983)

Foyle Ltd. (1947)

Franc, Helen (1947, 1951, 1953-1954, 1963, 1977, undated)

Francastle, Pierre (1956)

Francis, Dennis Steadman (1978)

Francis, Francis C. (1928)

Francis Henry (Harry) Sayles (1925-1932, 1945-1948, 1952-1953, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1963-1964, 1967-1970, 1972-1973, 1977-1981, 1983, undated)

Frank, Edward (1964-1965)

Frankbauser, Mary (1966)

Frankenstein, Alfred (1951)

Frankenstein, Mrs. Victor S. (1950)

Franklin, Cecil A. (1961)

Franklin, Danny (1975)

Franklin Institute (1963)

Franklin Square Subscription Agency (1965)

Franzen, Ulrich (1962)

Frary, I. T. (1957)

Frazer, Alfred (1957)

Fredericks, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall (1952)

Free Library of Philadelphia ( -- see -- : Philadelphia, Free Library of)

Freedman, Harry S. (1952)

Freeman, Donald (1972, 1976)

Freeman, Harrison B. (1937)

Freeman, Judy (1951)

Freer Gallery (1950)

Fregna, Roberto (1962)

Freiburg (1964)

Freidrich, Reinhard (1964)

French Line (1970)

French Railways, Ltd. (1956)

Frick Art Reference Library 1954

Friedman, B. H. (1962)

Friedman, Lee M. (1945)

Friedsam, M. (1926)

Friends of the Upper East Side Historic District (1986)

Frost, Eunice E. (1945, 1950, 1952, 1955)

Fry, E. Maxwell (1948)

Fuchs-Greven (1960)

Fulbright Fellowship (1951, 1959)

Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia -- (1957)

Furniture (1968)

Furry, C. I. (1941)

Futagawa, Yukio (1974)

Gaddis, Eugene R. (1982-1984, 1986)

Gagarin, Judy (1970)

Gallum, Barbie (1952)

Gale Research Co. (1964)

Galecki, Marta McBride (1977)

Games, Stephen (1983)

Gardner, Jean McClintock (1983)

Garfield, Leslie J. (1970, 1973, 1978, 1980-1981, 1984)

Garland, Peter (1958)

Garland, Peter and Mary (undated)

Garland Publishing, Inc. (1975-1977, 1979-1980, 1983-1984)

Garvan, Anthony N. B. (1948, 1955-1956)

Garvan, John (1952)

Garzanti, Aldo (1966)

Gaston, Godfrey (1952)

Gaudi, Amigos de (1956)

Gaudi Exhibition (1957-1958)

Gaunt, William (1952)

Gaus, John M. (1948)

Gayle, Margot (1971-1972, 1983-1984)

Gazette des Beaux-Arts -- (1953-1954, 1956)

Geary, Ronald (1952-1953)

Gebhard, David (1953, 1966, 1970, 1973-1974, 1977, 1981)

Gebhardt (1956)

Geddes, Robert L. (1974, 1981)

Geer, Ronald (1952)

Gehring, P. (1954)

Gelfand, Morris (1947)

Gelotte, Ernest N. (1954)

Gemeente Helversum, Publik Werken (1927)

General Adjustment Bureau (1951)

Georgia Institute of Technology (1949-1951, 1953-1954, 1962)

Georgia, University of (1975)

Gered Antiques, Ltd. (1959)

German Renaissance Architecture -- (1972, 1978-1982)

Germantown Historical Society (1972)

Gerold, William (1962-1966)

Gersheim, Helmut (1946, 1953, 1958)

Gerson, H. (1956, 1958)

Geske, Norman (1952, 1963-1964)

Gettier, Astrid E. (1966)

Getty Trust 1985

Gibb-Smith, C. H. (1954-1955)

Gibson, Cynthia (1970)

Giella, Barbara (1978-1979, 1986)

Giese, Delius [Fritz] (1948-1949)

Gift (1956) ( -- see also -- : Wesleyan University)

Gilbert, Creighton (1952, 1969, 1972-1975)

Gilchrist, Agnes (1945, 1951-1952, 1954-1957, 1961, 1968-1969)

Gilchrist, Brenda (1951-1953, 1957)

Gilkerson, Ann (1977)

Gill, Brendan (1970, 1972-1973, 1978, 1980, 1986)

Gilman's Old Books, Inc. (1947)

Girauden Photographic (1956)

Girourd, Mark (1961, 1975, 1983)

Gisser, Leon (1948)

Gittes, Lois Severini (1977)

Glaeser, Ludwig (1978, 1984)

Glasgow (1966)

Glasgow School of Architecture Club (1962)

Glasgow, University of (1967, 1972-1973)

Glaubiga, Merel (1977)

Gleason Brothers (1954)

Glick, William J. (1966)

Gobel, Laura (1965)

Goding, Stowell C. (1951)

Goeschel, Nancy (1969-1970, 1977-1978, 1980)

Goff, Bruce (1948)

Goldberg, Gary (1966)

Goldfinger (1955)

Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co. (1946)

Goldsmith's Hall (1961-1962)

Goldstein, Malcolm (1979)

Goldstein, Stanley James (1954)

Goldthwaite, Richard A. (1970)

Goldwater, Robert (1965)

Gomes, Peter S. (1979)

Gomme, Andor (1963)

Goodall, Donald (1948-1950)

Goodall, John (1948, 1952)

Goodfellow, Gavin (1958)

Goodhue, H. Shippen (1953-1956, 1958, 1966, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1981-1982)

Goodhue, H. Shippen and Lydia (1973-1974)

Goodiery, Susan (1951)

Goodman, R. (1971)

Goodrich, Lloyd (1947-1949, 1951)

Goodspeed's Book Shop (1950-1951)

Goodwin, Genevive (1965)

Goodwin, Germaine (1958)

Goodwin, J. L. (1955)

Goodwin, James (1966)

Goodwin, Julie (1979)

Goodwin, Lubi (1974)

Goodwin, Philip (1939, 1945, 1947)

Gorbaty, Norman (1953-1954)

Gordon, David A. (1977)

Gordon, Douglas H. (1948, 1952-1953, 1966, 1971)

Gordon, Rae and Righter Travel (1965-1968)

Gorski, Taderisz A. (1953)

Gould, Cecil (1959)

Gouverneur, Elizabeth (1974)

Government and Art, Committee on (1950-1951, 1953, 1957)

Gowan, James (1962)

Gowans, Alan (1956, 1959-1960, 1962-1963, 1969)

Graduate Students (1956)

Grady, James (1956-1961, 1963-1964, 1966-1969)

Graeffe, Arnold Didier (1947)

Graf, Otto (1963)

Graham, F. Lanier (1970)

Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (1961, 1973, 1978-1979, 1982)

Graham, Fred (1956)

Graham, John A. (1945)

Graham, Roy F. (1977)

Grannard, Harold (1928)

Grant, Leland (1975-1982, 1984)

Graves, Michael (1967)

Gray, Basil (1961)

Gray, Christopher (1977-1978, 1982)

Gray, Nicolete (1958)

Graybill, Sam (1951-1953, 1957)

Greater London Council (1985)

Greek Embassy (1958)

Green, E.R.R. (1962)

Green, J. Wilder (1951-1959, 1961-1962, 1977, 1981)

Green, Priscilla (1952, 1957)

Green, Samuel (1939, 1945, 1947, 1950-1958, 1960, 1962-1966, 1971, 1977)

Green, Samuel and Bunnie (1948)

Greenberg, Allan (1979, 1981)

Greenthal, Kathryn T. (1977, 1980)

Gregg Press Ltd. (1968-1969, 1972)

Gregory, E. C. (1947)

Grennard, Paul (1928)

Grey Art Gallery, New York University (1981)

Greystone Corp. (1962)

Grierson, Margaret (1952)

Griffiths, Peter Noyes and Lady (1956)

Grimes, Tammy (1972-1975, 1977-1979, 1981-1982, 1984)

Grinberg-Vinavert, Georges (1951)

Grippe, Peter (1952)

Grolier Club (1952, 1970-1973)

Grolier Encyclopedia -- (1961-1963)

Gropius House (1986)

Gropius, Walter (1947, 1950, 1952)

Grosser, Maurice (1951-1952, 1977, 1986)

Grove, Elsa Butler (1955)

Grow, Lawrence (1975)

Grube, Max (1968)

Gruen, Victor (1960)

Guevara, Max and Elisa (1959)

Guggenheim, Barbara 1976

Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1945-1955, 1959-1961, 1963-1965, 1972, 1975-1982)

Guild for Religious Architecture (1969, 1971-1972)

Guildford, Glenn (1949-1950, 1958-1959)

Guildhall (1984)

Guilloton, Michael A. (1954, 1957)

Guinness, Desmond (1967)

Gundermann, Leo (1964)

Gunther, Nancy (1959)

Gutheim, Frederick (Fritz) (1946-1947, 1952, 1958-1959, 1965, 1969)

Gutman, John (1956)

Guy, James (1949)

Guy, Rice and Davis (1936, 1938, 1941-1942)

Guys, Gilbert (1928)

Haber, Francine (1965-1966)

Hack, Garrett (1969)

Hacker (1966)

Hacker Art Books (1971-1972)

Hadzi, Molly (1954, 1956, 1966)

Hadzi, Molly and Dmitri (1955, 1961, 1963)

Haessler, George (1978)

Hager, Louise (1956, 1966)

Hajer, Gerhard (1966)

Hale, William F. (1982)

Hall, J. A. (1946)

Hall, Louise (1948, 1951, 1954)

Hallmark, Donald Parker (1969)

Hallsborough Gallery (1965)

Hambright, Mrs. Joseph (1966)

Hamburg (1956)

Hammill and Barker (1947)

Hamilton, Charles E. (1969)

Hamilton, George Heard (1945-1950, 1954-1957, 1959-1960, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1980)

Hamilton, George Heard and Polly (1953)

Hamilton, Janet (1948)

Hamilton, Polly (undated)

Hamlin, Talbot F. (1945-1947, 1950, 1956)

Hamlyn, Paul (1963-1965, 1967)

Hammer, Karl (1969)

Hammond, Caffy (1958, 1961-1963, 1966-1968, 1973-1974)

Hammond, John (1968-1969)

Hammond, Walter (1954)

Hampshire Bookshop (1949-1952, 1960)

Hanks, David (1977, 1979)

Hanna, A. J. (1954)

Hannary, John (1973)

Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Preben (1956)

Hanson, Bernard (1964)

Harbron, G. Dudley (1946-1949)

Harcourt, Brace and Co. (1933)

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. (1971-1974, 1976-1977, 1979)

Harday, Jorge A. Ferrari (1969)

Hardenberg (1924)

Harling, Robert (1970)

Harnell and Co. (1967)

Harper Brothers (1955)

Harper's Magazine -- (1945)

Harrington, Elaine (1985)

Harrington, Richard (1958)

Harris Catalog (1968)

Harris, Eileen (1973)

Harris, Hamilton (1953)

Harris, John (1960-1965, 1967-1971, 1973, 1977, 1979-1980, 1983)

Harris, John and Eileen (1974)

Harris, Karsten (1972)

Harris, Margaret (1972)

Harris, Paul S. (1951)

Harris, Roger (1961)

Harris, Tom (1946)

Harris, Upham and Co. (1955)

Harrison, M. (1946)

Harrison, Wallace K. (1953)

Hartford (1964, 1972)

Hartford, Huntington (1963)

Hartford Magazine -- (1974)

Hartman, William E. (1962)

Hartneck, Timothy W. (1979)

Hartt, Frederick (1956, 1960-1961)

Harvard Architecture Review -- (1978)

Harvard Club (1963)

Harvard Fund (1947)

Harvard Magazin -- e (1978-1979, 1982-1983)

Harvard University (1923-1924, 1927-1928, 1939, 1942, 1946-1951, 1953-1958, 1961, 1965-1967, 1973-1974, 1976-1979, 1981-1982)

Harvey, Katharine (1970, 1976)

Harvey and Lewis (1945)

Hasbrouck, W. R. (1961, 1963-1964, 1969)

Hasbrouck, William (1967)

Haskell, Arthur C. (1955)

Haskell, Douglas (1945, 1951-1952, 1954-1955, 1958)

Haskell, Henry C. (1946)

Haskell, Rosamund (1966)

Hasler, Charles (1962)

Hasselmann, Dorothy S. (1945)

Hatch, J. D. (1948-1949)

Hatchards Booksellers (1963-1964)

Hatje, Gerd (1959-1965, 1980)

Hattis, Phyllis (1966)

Hauf, Harold (1951)

Haupt, Otto (1963)

Hausen, Marika (1965-1966)

Haverkamp-Bergman, Egbert (1971, 1973)

Havinden, Ashley (1948, 1952, 1961)

Havinden, Margaret 1946, 1953

Havinden, Margaret and Ashley (1950)

Hawksmoor Committee (1962)

Hawthorne Books (1979)

Haydon, Harold (1961)

Hayes, Bartlett (1954)

Hayes, Marian (1954-1955, 1959, 1962, 1968, 1970)

Heath and Co. (1961)

Heaton, E. W. (1959)

Hecht, Jean (1956)

Hecht, Lynn S. (1962-1964, 1966)

Heckel, Louise (1960)

Hecksher, Morrison (1970, 1973-1974)

Hedge, Alice Payne (1948, 1953-1954, 1956, undated)

Hedge, E. Russell (1959-1963)

Hedge, Henry R. (1954, 1956-1958)

Hedge, Mrs. Henry R. (1953)

Hedge, Mrs. William R. (1947, 1953)

Hedrich, E. T. (1956)

Hedrich, J. O. (1969)

Heil, Bernard (1958)

Heilkamp, Detlef (1971)

Heimsath, Clovis B. (1952)

Heine, Georgette (1970)

Heintzelman, Arthur W. (1956)

Heinz, Thomas A. (1978-1981)

Heinzel, Brigitte (1967, 1969)

Heiser, Bruce E. (1953-1954)

Heisner, Beverly F. (1967)

Held, Mr. and Mrs. Julius (1965)

Heleniak, Kathryn Moore (1975)

Helm, Francis and Mary (1948)

Hemmenway, Mary (1948-1950, 1954)

Henderson, Pat Milne (1957, 1964) ( -- see also -- : Milne-Henderson, Pat)

Henderson, M. (1958)

Hendricks, Gordon (1967)

Henley, Helen B. (1941)

Hennessey, William J. (1975-1977)

Hennings, John (1955)

Henry (1973)

Henry, Anne Wythe (1972, 1975)

Henry, Barklie [Buzz] (1959)

Hentrich, Helmut (1957, 1959-1960, 1963-1976, 1978-1981, 1985)

Hentschel, Walter (1969)

Herald Tribune -- (1945)

Herbert, Gilbert (1970)

Herget, John T. (1960)

Hergert, Elizabeth (1963)

Heron, Patrick (1952-1954, 1956, 1979)

Herrmann, George (1960)

Herschman, Judith (1979)

Hersey, George L. (1959-1963, 1967-1968, 1971-1972, 1975

Hershberger, Howard (1960, 1961, 1963)

Herve, Lucien (1956-1957)

Herzog, Marion Rawles (1967, 1970)

Hesketh, Peter Fleetwood (1969)

Hesse (1956)

Hessler, Herman (1971)

Heyl, Bernard (1959-1963)

Hibbard, Don J. (1976)

Hibbard, Howard (1962, 1968)

Highest, Gilbert (1954)

Hill, Draper (1960)

Hill, Frederick and May (1968)

Hill, Oliver (1946, 1949, 1955)

Hiner, Walter (1946)

Hines, Thomas S. (1967, 1972, 1981)

Hirschl and Adler Galleries (1968)

Historic American Buildings Survey (1973)

Historical Society of Pennsylvania ( -- see -- : Pennsylvania, Historical Society of) -- History News -- (1963)

Hitchco*ck, Alice Davis [mother, Mrs. Henry Russell] (1925, 1940, 1942-1943, 1946-1950)

Hitchco*ck, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (1955)

Hitchco*ck, Charles D. (1940, 1971)

Hitchco*ck, Harriet (1963)

Hitchco*ck, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Russell [parents] (1928-1929, undated)

Hitchco*ck, June (1979-1980)

Hitchco*ck, Mrs. Peter S. (1964)

Hoag, John D. (1952, 1955-1956, 1959, 1961-1965, 1967-1968, 1970-1971, 1976)

Hochman, Elaine S. (1973, 1976)

Hodge, Alan (1957)

Hodge, Philip G. (1951)

Hodgkinson, Ianthe (1966)

Hofer, Philip (1945-1947, 1949, 1951-1952, 1959, 1961, 1968)

Hoffman, Donald L. (1964, 1969-1970, 1978)

Hoffmann, Werner (1956)

Hofstra College (1952)

Hogan, Austin (1940)

Hojer, Gerhard (1967, 1970, 1973)

Holcomb, Donald M. 1956

Holderbaum, James (1962, 1964, 1966, 1968)

Holdet, L. A. (1946)

Holdin, Harrison (1976)

Holiday Inn (1972)

Holland (1964, 1967)

Holland-America Line (1958, 1971)

Holman, William G. (1981)

Holmegaards Glasvaerk (1960)

Holmes, J. P. (1953)

Holser, Clifford B. (1952)

Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1972)

Holzbog, Tom (1967)

hom*olka, Larry J. (1965-1967)

Hooker, Arthur (1952)

Honour, Hugh (1966)

Hood, Graham (1971)

Hooker, John (1953)

Hooper, S. C. (1954)

Hoover, Donald (1952)

Hoover, Kathleen O'Donnell (1948-1949, 1951)

Hope, Henry R. (1943, 1945-1950, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1962)

Hopping, D.M.C. (1955-1956)

Hordczak, Theodore (1956)

Horn, Estelle (1950)

Horn, Milton (1946, 1949, 1951-1952)

Horn, Walter (1958)

Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. (1955)

Hornsey, Borough of (1946)

Horsburgh, Patrick (1952-1955)

Horta Committee (1960)

Hosken, Franziska Porges (1963)

Hotel Grande Bretagne (1961)

Hotel Inghilterra (1961)

Housend, Brian (1956)

House Beautiful -- (1928)

Housing (1945)

Houston (1959, 1967)

Houston, University of (1953-1954)

Howard, Charles (1956)

Howard, Tom (1945)

Howard University (1961-1962)

Howarth, Thomas (1953-1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1963, 1966)

Howe, George (1945, 1949, 1951, 1953)

Howe, Hester (1954, 1956)

Howe, Lawrence (1955)

Howe, Mrs. Lawrence (1945)

Howe, Stewart S. (1954)

Howe, Thomas C. (1953, 1954)

Howlett, D. Roger (1965)

Howland, Richard H. (1952-1954, 1959, 1961)

Hoyle, Henry D. (1969)

Hoyt, Deming (1960)

Hoyt, Natalie (1947, 1949-1951, 1956, 1959, 1963)

Hoyt, Nelly (1968)

Hubbard, L. Kent (1937)

Hubbard, R. J. (1959)

Hubbard, Ray (1978)

Hubbard, Russell (1949)

Huber, Erna (1963-1964, 1966, 1970-1971)

Huber, Erna and Charlie (1983)

Hudnut, Claire (1948)

Hudnut, Helen (1947-1948)

Hudnut, Joseph (1945, 1951)

Hudson River Conservancy Society, Inc. (1945)

Huemer, Frances (1955)

Huff, William S. (1958, 1965)

Hughenden Manor (1950)

Hughes, Richard (1953-1954)

Hughes, Talmadge C. (1945)

[Hugnet?], Georges (undated)

Hulst, Roger d' (1973)

Hulton Press (1957)

Hundertmark, Dieter (1960)

Hunn, Robert (1970)

Hunter, Anna C. (1955)

Hunter, Bob (1954)

Huntington, C. (1955)

Huntington, Constant (1952)

Huntington, David C. (1961, 1963-1965, 1967-1968, 1971)

Huntington, J. D. (1951)

Huntington, James L. (1954-1955, 1957-1959, 1963-1965)

Huntington, John (1955)

Huntington, Trudy (1952)

Huse, Norbert (1975)

Hussey, Alfred R. (1949)

Hussey, Mary (1954, 1962)

Huxley Brothers (1951, 1954)

Huxtable, Ada Louise (1947, 1950, 1957-1958, 1961-1962, 1969, 1971, 1982-1983)

Hyams, N. (1948)

Hyde Hall, Inc., Friends of (1965)

Hyman, Isabelle (1977)

Iber, Howard John (1972, 1974)

Illinois Institute of Technology (1950, 1954)

Illinois, University of (1947, 1949, 1965, 1979)

Ilmanen, William (1954, 1956)

Imperial Institute (1956)

Inaya, Beata (1956)

In the Nature of Materials -- (1968-1969) ( -- see also -- : Wright, Frank Lloyd)

Income Tax (1956-1957, 1972)

India International Center (1964-1965)

Indiana University (1948, 1953, 1966)

Indiana, University of (1945, 1961)

Indianapolis, Art Association of (1948)

Information Agency, U.S. (1955)

Information Service, U.S. (1961)

Inghilterra Hotel (1960)

Inglis, F. C. (1954)

Ingraham, David (1941)

Ingraham, Henry A. (1945, 1947)

Innendekoration (1963)

Inspector of Foreign Dividends (1956)

Inscoe, Eva Jane (1983)

Institute for Advanced Studies (1963)

Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (1975)

Institute of Contemporary Art (1948-1949, 1953-1954, 1956, 1961, 1963-1964, 1976)

Institute of Fine Arts, New York University (1949, 1956-1957, 1960, 1967) ( -- see also -- : New York University)

Institute of International Education (1955)

Institute of Landscape Architects (1952)

Instituto di Storia dell'Arte (1961)

Instituto Italiano di Cultura (1958)

Instituto per la Collaborazione Culturale (1965) ( -- see also -- : Collaborazione Culturale, Instituto per la)

Insurance (1970)

Insurance Company of America (1963)

Intercultural Publications, Inc. (1953)

International Architecture Students Conference (1949)

International Congress of African Studies (see: African Studies, International Congress of)

International Encyclopedia of Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Planning -- (1976-1977)

International Design Conference (1955)

International Information Administration (1952)

International Publications, Inc. (1954)

International Union of Architects, Sixth Congress (1960)

International University of Art (1970)

Ireland, Royal Institute of Architects of (1962)

Irving, Robert Grant (1968)

Irvy, Benjamin (1981)

Isham, Gyles (1954)

Isis -- (1961, 1964)

Isley, Natelle (1956)

Italian Institute (1956)

Ivins, William M. (1936)

Jack, William A. Park (1936)

Jackson, Esther (1953)

Jacobi, Frank (1952)

Jacobs Antiques (1948-1949)

Jacobs, Robert A. (1965)

Jacobs, Stephen (1966)

Jacobus, John [Jake] (1957-1962, 1964-1966, 1969-1971, 1980-1981)

Jacobus, John [Jake] and Marion (1963)

Jaffe, Michael (1952-1956, 1958-1964, 1966, 1968, 1973, 1977, 1986)

Jaffe, Ronald (1952)

James, Evan (1946)

James, George (1952)

James, Philip (1952, 1958)

Jamieson, K. I. (1953)

Janis Gallery (1949)

Janis, Sidney (1950)

Jansen, Dick (1953-1954, 1961-1962)

Jansen, Dick and Ellen (1955)

Janson, H. W. (1959-1962, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1983)

Janson, Peter (1978, 1982)

Jarrett, James (1958-1959, 1981)

Jeannert, Marie-Louise (1982)

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (1947)

Jemma, Manuela (1965)

Jenkins, Frank I. (1955-1956, 1958, 1960-1961, 1964-1967)

Jennings, Nancy Gillespie (1970)

Jerome Hotel (1955)

Jerome, T. T. (1947)

Jersey City, N. J. (1981)

Jewell, Jim (1953, 1956)

Joedicke, Jurgen (1963)

Johanneson, Eric (1969)

John, Dorothy (1954)

Johns Hopkins University (1952, 1965, 1967-1971, 1973-1975)

Johnson Art Collection (1926-1927)

Johnson, Buffie (1948)

Johnson, Donald Leslie (1977)

Johnson Gallery, Museum of Modern Art (1984)

Johnson, J. R. (1969)

Johnson, J. Stewart (1968, 1976)

Johnson, James R. (1946-1951, 1953-1954, 1958-1959, 1966, 1978, 1983)

Johnson, Laura (1945)

Johnson, Margaret (1952)

Johnson, Peter 1977, 1979

Johnson, Philip C. (1934, 1945-1967, 1969, 1973, 1975, 1978-1979, 1981-1983, undated) ( -- see also -- : -- Nineteenth Century American Architects -- [with Philip Johnson])

Johnson Reprint Corp. (1973)

Johnson, Robert H. (1947)

Johnson, Thomas (1973)

Johnson, W. (1958)

Johnson, Wendell (1961-1966, 1973, 1980, 1982-1984)

Johnson-Marshall, Percy and April (1960) ( -- see also -- : Marshall, Percy Johnson)

Johnsson, Ulf C. (1965)

Johnston, Norman (1952)

Jonals Co. (1958)

Jones, Cranston (1958)

Jones, Douglas (1966)

Jones, Ernest (1957-1958)

Jones, Mrs. Fred (1941)

Jones, Howard M. (1958-1959)

Jones, Martin R. (1956-1959, 1962)

Jones, Ralph (1958)

Jones Real Estate (1970)

Jones, Robert 1959

Jones, Ronald F. (1946)

Jordy, William (1950-1962, 1964, 1968-1970, 1972-1973, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1983, undated)

Joselit, David (1981)

Journal of the History of Ideas -- (1955)

Joyce, Henry (1980)

Judkins, Winthrop (1971)

Judson (1978)

Judson, H. Richard (1965)

Jules, Mervin (1962-1963, 1965, 1970)

Kahn, Albert (1945-1946)

Kahn, Charles (1978)

Kahn, David M. (1975)

Kahn, Louis I. (1960)

Kahn, Moritz (1938)

Kaiga Bunka Chuokyoku (1954)

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts (1961)

Kalec, Donald Gordon (1974-1976)

Kallman, G. M. (1948)

Kallman, Gerhard (1969)

Kamys, Walter (1957, 1962)

Kane, Amanda (1962)

Kansas City Star -- (1964)

Kansas State College (1955)

Kapp, Helen (1956)

Kantor, Sibyl (1980, 1982)

Kardan, Sel (1985)

Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum (1956)

Karlsruhe (1956, 1963)

Karner, L. C. (1959)

Karolik, Maxim (1952)

Karpel, Bernard (1969)

Karpinski, Caroline (1970)

Karshner, Joseph H. (1957)

Kates, George N. (1923, 1926-1928, 1930, 1945, 1948-1949, 1956, undated)

Katz, Ruth B. (1953)

Katzenellenbogen, Mrs. Adolph (1950)

Kaufman, Emil (1953)

Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. (1942, 1944, 1947, 1952, 1960-1963, 1968, 1970, 1974-1978, 1981-1984, 1986)

Kauter, Mat (1947)

Keacer (1961)

Kearns, G. W. (1953)

Keating, Mary (1978)

Keefe, John W. (1970)

Keefe and Keefe 1985

Keener, John P. (1947-1948)

Keeney, Barbara (1955)

Keiiti, Taira (1962)

Keiser, George C. (1929, 1945, 1947, 1953, 1956)

Keisern, George C. and Nancy (1948, 1951-1952, 1955)

Keiser, Nancy (1957, 1962, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1983)

Keith, Lucy (1953)

Kelley, Charles H. (1979)

Kelly, Burnham (1953-1954, 1964)

Kennedy, Clarence (1972)

Kennedy Fund (1963) ( -- see also -- : Smith College)

Kennedy, John F. (1953)

Kennedy, Robert W. (1949-1950)

Kennedy, Roger G. (1967)

Kennedy, Ruth L. (1955-1956, 1958, 1961-1968, undated)

Kentucky Engineer -- (1955)

Kentucky, University of (1969)

Kenyon Corn Meal Co. (1959)

Kepes, George (1948)

Kermacy, Martin S. (1956)

Kerr, Chester (1951-1952)

Kersting, A. F. (1971)

Kestenbaum, Joy M. (1979, 1984-1985)

Ketchum, Phillips (1949)

Kettell, Russell (1954)

Keyes, Margaret (1975)

Kidney, Walter C. (1957, 1972-1973, 1983)

Kihlstedt, Folke T. (1971, 1974, 1980)

Killian, Tom (1983)

Kimball, Fiske (1938, 1953-1955)

Kinehardt, Sibley (1968)

King and Chusman Insurance (1948)

King, A. Rowden (1952)

King, Anthony (1962-1963)

King, May Abigail (1968)

Kings College (1962)

Kingston School of Art (1961)

Kingzett, Richard (1961)

Kirstein, Coco (1928)

Kirstein, Lincoln (1928-1929, 1945, undated)

Kissin, Meredith (1973)

Kitchen (1960-1961)

Kizar, John (1979)

Klapper, Paul (1947)

Kleinbauer, Eugene (1962)

Klemm, Heinz (1964)

Klinger, Timothy C. (1973)

Knoedler and Co. (1951, 1955, 1968-1970)

Knorre, Eckhard van (1971, 1973)

Knowledge Publications (1966)

Knowlton, John H. (1974)

Knox, Brian (1981)

Knox, Bruce (1972)

Knoxville (1978)

Koch, Carl (1947)

Koch, Edward (1983)

Koch, Robert (1958-1959)

Kochen (undated)

Koenig, Philip (1951)

Kohn, Geraldine (1961)

Koike, Shinji (1951-1952, 1955)

Kolper, Fred (1956)

Kommer, Bjorn (1964)

Konsthistorisk Tidskrift (1937)

Kootz, Samuel (1948)

Kopcke, Guenter (1976)

Korn, Thomas H. (1952)

Kornegay, Bill (1961, 1963, 1969-1970, 1974, 1982-1983)

Kornwolf, James D. (1977-1979)

Kostof, Spero (1976)

Kowsky, Francis (1978-1981)

Kozlow, Robert D. (1951-1954, 1957)

Kramer, Ellen (1950-1955, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1964, 1967-1969, 1971-1972, 1975)

Kramer, Estel Thea (1976)

Krautheimer, Richard (1945, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1957, 1961, 1963, 1965-1967, 1969, 1971, 1982)

Krautheimer, Richard and Trude (1952)

Kredler, Jack (1927)

Kremer, Eugene (1965, 1967)

Kremers, David Edward (1974)

Krinsky, Carol Herselle (1981)

Krom, Martha (1980)

Kruft, Hanno-Walter 1984

Kubler, George A. (1945-1946, 1949-1950, 1954-1957)

Kuhn, Ethel (1964)

Kultermann, Udo (1965)

Kunhardt, Mr. and Mrs. (undated)

Kunin, Jack Henry (1969)

Kunstakedmiets Bibliotek (1956)

Kunsthalle Bielfeld (1983) ( -- see also -- : Bielfeld Kunsthalle)

Kunstwerk -- (1957)

Kwan, Michael (1972, 1975, 1977)

Labo, Mario (1961)

Lacoste, Gerald (1956)

La Farge, Henry A. (1950, 1955)

Lain, Alan K. (1946, 1977)

Lamb, Deborah (1951)

Lamb, Robert J. (1976)

Lambert, Jean (1963-1966)

Lambert, Phyllis (1974-1976, 1982, 1984)

Lambert, R. J. (1960-1961)

Lambert, Sam (1955)

Lambs, S. R. (1952)

Lamont, Corliss (1953)

Lamont, Ruth (1960)

Lancashire Society of Architects 1(962)

Lancaster, Clay (1951-1953)

Lancaster, Margaret (1949-1950)

Land, Terre (1955)

Landau, Sarah (1974-1986)

Landesamt fur Denkmalpfleg Nord-Rhein-Westfalen (1956)

Landmarks Conservancy, New York (1977, 1983)

Landmarks Preservation Commission, City of New York (1970-1971, 1973, 1975, 1982, 1985)

Landmarks Preservation Foundation, New York (1985)

Landor, Walter (1940)

Landy, Jacob (1957-1959, 1961-1963, 1966, 1970)

Lane, Barbara Miller (1976-1977)

Lane, Gilman (1941)

Lane, Stephen (1948)

Lang, S. (1956)

Lang, Samuel (1970)

Langenskiold, Eric (1960)

Langrock Co. (1949-1950)

Langsam, Walter E. (1966, 1968-1969)

Langston, Jane (1978)

Lanmon, Lorraine (1974)

Larkin, Oliver (Pete) (1946-1947, 1949, 1951-1952, undated)

Larkin, Oliver (Pete) and Ruth (1950)

Larsen, Susan (1972)

Lasdun, Denys (1940, 1954, 1958-1959, 1961-1962)

Laskin (1981)

Laskin, Myron (1974)

Laskin, R. (1964-1965)

Lasko, Peter (1982)

Lasko, Viola (1955)

Laubs, E. R. (1953)

Lauder, Standish (1963, 1966)

Laughlin, Clarence J. (1955)

Laughlin, James (1953)

Launder, Victor (1950)

Laurent, Marge and Paul (1950)

Law, Graham C. (1949-1951)

Lawrence, Leslie (1943, 1945)

Lazzaro, G. di San (1967)

Lebold, Joan (1954-1955)

Lebovich, Bill (1977)

Leconte, Andre (1958)

Le Corbusier (1936)

Ledermann, P. (1958)

Lee, Antoinette Josephine [Toni] (1975, 1982)

Lee House (1948)

Lee, Renselaer (1947)

Lee, Sherman (1959)

Leeb, Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. (1954)

Leeds (1946)

Leeds Architecture Students Association (1955)

Leeper, John Palmer (1957)

Leeuwen, Tom von (1974-1975, 1977)

Lefevre Gallery (1982)

Legge, Christopher (1953)

Lehman, Arnold (1970)

Lehmann, Karl (1952-1953)

Lehmann, Karl and Phyllis (1955-1956)

Lehmann, Phyllis W. (1949, 1951-1952, 1956, 1959-1960, 1965, 1968-1969, 1973, 1978, 1981)

Lehmbruck, Manfred (1964)

Leib, Norbert (1967)

Leibner, Gernard (1973)

Leibowitz, Herbert (1976)

Leicester, University of (1963, 1966-1968, 1970)

Leided, Rykstuniversiteit te (1966)

Leigh, Roger ( 1955)

Lemon, Sally (1954-1955, 1957)

Lenn, Lottie H. (1951)

Leonard, A. O. (1951)

Leonard, J. C. (1957)

Lerski, Hanna (1978)

Lescaze, William E. (1928, 1937, undated)

Levassor (1956)

Lever House (1983)

Lever, Jill 1986

Levine, Neil (1972, 1976-1977, 1983)

Levine, Seymour J. (1951)

Levion, Sally (1954)

Levy, Julien, Gallery (1946)

Levy, S. Dean (1973, 1982)

Lewine, Milton (1967)

Lewis, David (1946)

Lewis, Mrs. David (1945)

Lewis, Lesley (1946, 1952)

Lewis, Stanley T. (1952)

Lewis, Virginia 1958

Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon (1948-1952, 1954, 1963)

Li, Sue Yung (1956)

Library (1968-1969)

Library Company of Philadelphia ( -- see -- : Philadelphia,

Library Company of)

Library of Congress (1940-1942, 1944, 1947)

Lichebeelden Institute (1956-1958)

Licht, Fred (1963)

Liddell, Janet (1953)

Lieb, Norbert (1971-1973)

Liebert, Herman (1947, 1951)

Lieberthal, Mary (1976)

Lienhardt, Robert C. (1963)

Life Magazine -- (1945-1946)

Lilliput Magazine -- (1947)

Limerick, Jeff (1974)

Lincoln, Alfred W. (1961)

Lincoln, Dick (1959)

Lindekee, Mary Proal (1951)

Lindley, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel (1955)

Lindsay, G. Carroll (1955)

Lindsay, Ian G. (1957)

Lindsay, Joan R. (1949)

Line, Ralph Marlow (1953)

Linn, Janet Denithorne (1970)

Lipman, Jean (1971)

Lipman, Jonathan (1980)

Lipstadt, Helene Rebecca (1976)

Lisker, Albert (1953)

Lisker and Lisker (1954)

Liskowski, Bohdan (1961)

Lissam, Simon (1965)

Little and Ives Co. (1960)

Little, Bertram (1960)

Little, Sidney W. (1953-1955)

Liverpool School of Architecture (1949, 1958, 1962-1963)

Liverpool University Architecture Society (1955)

Locchead, Kenneth (1952)

Locke, Margaret E. (1949)

Lockwood-Matthews Mansion (1973)

Lo Curzio, Massimo (1965)

Lodge, Henry Cabot (1950)

Lodge, Sprucewold (1954)

Loeb, Hermann (1946)

Loeb, John (1974-1976, 1983)

Loftstrom, Edward V. (1963)

Logan, Ann M. (1955)

London (1963)

Long Island Antiquities, Society for the Preservation of (1969)

Long, Susie (1949)

Longhi, David (1959, 1974)

Look Magazine -- (1962)

Lord Travel Agency (1952, 1954)

Loren, Erle (1955)

Los Angeles (1972)

Los Angeles County Museum (1955, 1958)

Lotus (1964, 1970)

Louisiana State University (1955, 1958)

Louisville, J. B. Speed Art Museum (1952)

Louisville, University of (1975)

Louw, H. J. (1977)

Love, Iris (1965)

Lowd, Dana (1951)

Lowe, David (1951-1954, 1975)

Lowe, John (1955)

Lowell, Isabel (1923)

Lowenthal, Esther (1961, 1964, 1968-1969)

Lowenthal, Helen (1951-1952, 1955-1956)

Lowry, Bates (1966, 1972)

Lubbock, Jules (1980)

Lubetkin, Bertholde (1936, 1945-1946, undated)

Lucas, Clive (1974)

Lucas, Jannette (1948, 1950-1952)

Luckhurst, K. W. (1951, 1955-1956)

Luginbuhl, Viola (1962)

Lukas, Gabriel (1969)

Lukomski, George (1956)

Luman, Thomas (1938)

Lunn Travel (1962)

Lurcat, Andre (1928, 1930, undated)

Luty, Alan (1963)

Luzuriaga, Carlos (1949)

Lym, G. R. (1978)

Lyman Allen Museum (1942, 1947, 1949, 1958)

Lyman, Charles (1965)

Lyman, Dwight C. (1955, 1973)

Lynes, Russell (1973)

Maas and Co. (1962)

Maas, John (1957, 1966, 1969-1971)

McAndrew, John (1940, 1945, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1969, 1978, 1981)

McArthur, Shirley (1985)

McAuley, Theodora (1962)

McBreen (1949)

McBride, Henry (1947)

McCall's Magazine -- (1946)

McCallum, Ian (1956, 1958-1959, 1963-1964)

McCay, Mrs. A. B. (1948)

McComb, Arthur (1945)

McCormick, Margaret (1978)

McCormick, Thomas J. (1948-1987, undated)

McCosher, Delphina (1964)

McCoubrey, John W. (1967)

McCoy, Esther (1956, 1960)

McCray, Porter (1956, 1969)

McCullough, Jane Fiske (1966, 1968)

McDonald (1978)

McDonald, Thoreau (1949)

McDonald, William L. (1955, 1963, 1982-1983)

MacDougall, Elisabeth B. (1980)

McGehee, Mary (1955)

McGraw Hill Co. (1957, 1959,-1966)

McGuire, Diane Kostial (1963)

McGuire, William (1972)

McIlhenny, Henry P. (1955, 1971)

McIntyre, Ruth A. (1962)

Mackay Brothers and Co. (1947)

Mackay, David (1965-1966)

Mackay-Smith, Alexander (1952-1953, 1962) ( -- see also -- : Smith, Alexander Mackay)

McKean, A. G. (1953)

McKenna, Rosalie Thorne (Rollie) (1949-1958)

McKibbin, David (1949, 1956, 1959, 1961)

McKinley (1956)

McKinley, Hazel G. (1964, 1979, 1981)

Mackintosh Society (1963-1964)

McLanathan, Richard B. K. (1958)

MacLaren, Alistair (1960, 1962-1964, 1966, 1968, 1970)

McMillan Co. (1953)

Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects -- (1980, 1982)

Macmillan Publishers, Ltd. (1984)

McNair, Andrew (1975)

McNamara, Ellen 1974, 1976

Macomber, C. Clark (1951)

Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. (1955)

Macomber, Gail (1953)

McQuade, Walter (1960)

McReynolds, George (1952)

Magazine of Art -- (1947-1953)

Magaziner, Henry J. (1971-1973)

Magee, John J. (1970)

Magill, Peter (1951, 1955)

Magruder, Charles (1957)

Mahard, Francis M. (1968)

Maher, Billy (undated)

Maher, James T. (1981)

Maher, William P. (1938)

Maison du Libre (1951)

Manchester Society of Architects, Student Association (1955)

Mancini, Lillian (1951)

Mancoff, Debra (1978)

Mandell, Mrs. M. Hussey (1952)

Mandell, Richard (1968)

Mandelsohn, Louise (1955)

Mang, Karl (1974)

Manitoba, University of (1958-1959)

Manning, Eileen (1952)

Mansell Collection (1956-1958)

Manson, Grant (1941, 1952, 1957-1958)

Manuzio (1962)

Maple and Co. (1946)

Mar, Arxiu (1958)

Marcus, Stanley (1962)

Marden, Philip S. (1951)

Marder, Tom (1979-1981)

Marenco, Vittoria (1964)

Mark, Edward L. (1966-1967)

Markowitz, Arnold (1970)

Mark Twain Memorial (1966-1970, 1975, 1977)

Marlborough Fine Arts Ltd. (1962)

Marlor, Clark S. (1969)

Marmo (1962)

Marquis, Alice (1986)

Marquis Co. (1947- 1948)

Marr, Harriet (1952)

Marre, Robert de La (1927)

Marsanas, Luis (1963-1964)

Marshall, Percy Johnson (1959, 1963) ( -- see also -- : Johnson-Marshall, Percy)

Martienssen, Heather (1962)

Martin, J. L. (1946-1947, 1952)

Martin, J. R. (1965)

Martin, Leslie (1954, 1957, 1959, 1962-1963)

Martin, Thomas P. (1947)

Martindale, Katharine (1960)

Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting (1978)

Maryland Historical Society (1957)

Maryland State Library (1939)

Marzoli, Carla C. (1954, 1956, 1958, 1964, 1968)

Mas, Arxiu (1956)

Masheck, Joseph (1970, 1973, 1977)

Mason, Clark (1963-1964)

Mason, Francis S. (1961-1965, 1967, 1979)

Mason, Howard (1962)

Massachusetts, Commonwealth of (1952, 1954)

Massachusetts Hospital Service, Inc. (1954)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1946-1952, 1954, 1958, 1962-1963, 1965-1973, 1975-1981)

Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Assigned Risk Pool (1955)

Massachusetts Review -- (1969)

Massachusetts State Association of Architects (1954, 1957)

Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (1959)

Massachusetts, University of (1951, 1969)

Massey, James C. (1963, 1966)

Matheson, Donald W. (1980)

Matheson, Martin (1966)

Mattingly, Garrett (1946)

Maufe, Edward (1960)

Maunoury, Jean (1948)

Maxant, Harriett (1967)

Maxon, John (1961)

Maxtone-Graham, John (1974)

Maxwell, Clifford (1975, 1977, 1981)

Maxwell Mansion (1971)

May, John S. (1955)

Mayer, Grace M. (1953)

Mayflower Descendants, Society of (1944-1945, 1947-1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1966-1968, 1970, 1973-1975)

Mayher, Phil (1952)

Mayne, Jonathan (1962)

Mead, Katherine (1964, 1967)

Medicare/Blue Shield (1971-1972, 1985) ( -- see also -- : Blue Cross/Blue Shield)

Meehan, Patrick J. (1984)

Meeks, Carroll (1944-1966, undated)

Meigs, Walter (1954)

Meijburn, Herm. van der Kloot (1927)

Meiss, Millard (1952, 1960, 1962- 1963)

Melbourne, University of (1958)

Mellon, Tom (1962)

Mellquist, Jerome (1955-1956, 1958)

Mendelsohn, Eric (1953)

Mendelsohn, Frances (1959)

Mendenhall (1964)

Menges, Axel (1986)

Meredith Press (1962)

Meriden Gravure Co. (1960)

Merkel, Jayne (1967)

Merrill, David O. (1960)

Mesevery, Robert (1956)

Metcalf Printing (1973)

Metcalf, Priscilla (1956-1957, 1962-1963, 1966-1968, 1977)

Metropolitan Museum of Art (1951, 1968-1970, 1972-1973, 1979-1980, 1982)

Meyer, B. A. (1946)

Meyer, Charles (1961)

Miami, University of (1972)

Michalski, Thomas (1976)

Michigan, University of (1928, 1947-1948, 1965-1966, 1970)

Microcard Committee (1951)

Microcard Foundation (1948)

Middlesex Hospital (1938, 1941, 1945)

Middlesex School Alumni Bulletin -- (1952)

Middleton, Robin (1956-1961, 1963-1967, 1969, 1971-1972, 1978)

Middletown Press (1945)

Mies van der Rohe (1947)

Miles, H. (1961)

Miles, Hamish (1965, 1966)

Miles, James (1946)

Miles, Jean (1960)

Millar, John F. (1980-1983)

Millar, Olive (1952)

Millech, Knud (1930, 1956)

Miller Co. (1945, 1947-1952, 1955)

Miller, Dorothy (1961)

Miller, Herman (1963)

Miller, Janet (1978)

Miller, Meredith (1958-1959)

Miller, R. Craig (1973-1978, 1981-1984, 1986)

Miller, Mrs. Russ (1958)

Miller, Stephen R. (1976- 1977)

Millett, Fred B. (1949, 1963)

Millon, Henry A. (1956, 1964, 1966-1967, 1978, 1980-1981, 1983)

Millon, Henry A. and Judy (1973)

Millon, Judy (1982, 1984)

Milne-Henderson, Pat (1960, 1962) ( -- see also -- : Henderson, Pat Milne)

Milwaukee Art Center (1977)

Milwaukee Public Library (1952)

Minard, Ralph (1963)

Mindlin, Henrique E. (1955)

Minneapolis City Planning Department (1969)

Minneapolis Institute of Arts (1941, 1956, 1959)

Minnesota Society of Architects (1958)

Minnesota, University of (1944, 1946-1947, 1949-1950, 1955, 1958, 1961-1962, 1969, 1972, 1985)

Minnick, Margaret (1979-1981)

Minton, Lee R. (1973)

Mississippi State College for Women (1947)

Mitchell, Allen (1963)

Mitchell, Anthon (1952)

Mitchell, Charles (1962, 1974)

Mitchell, Herbert (1969, 1975)

Mitchell, Robert D. (1970)

Mitchell, Shirley Spratt (1968)

Mock, Betty (1947, 1949-1951)

Modern Age (1962)

Modern Architecture (1943, 1945)

Modern Architecture Symposium (1962, 1964, 1966)

Moe, Henry Allen (1953, 1963, 1968)

Moeller, Achim F. (1973)

Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl (1969, 1971)

Mohr, Elizabeth Heaton (1963)

Moise, Howard (1951)

Moller, C. F. (1956)

Moltke, J. W. (1971)

Mongan, Agnes (1944-1948, 1950-1955, 1963, 1969, 1973)

Mongan, Elizabeth (1945)

Monkhouse, Christopher P. (1982)

Monks Hall Museum (1964)

Montgomery, Charles F. (1955, 1959)

Montrose (1952)

Moog, Helen C. (1948)

Moore, Asher (1940-1941, 1943, 1945-1954, 1958-1961, 1981)

Moore, C. A. (1953)

Moore, Charles (1952)

Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Frazes (1951)

Moore, Henry (1955)

Moore, Hugh (1965)

Moore, Lamont (1951)

More, Hermon (1948)

Morea, Alberto (1957, 1959)

Moret, O.J.V. (1955)

Morgan, Charles H. (1965)

Morgan, Keith N. (1980-1981)

Morgan, William N. (1957)

Morgas, Antonio de (1956)

Morison, Samuel E. (1951)

Morley, Grace L. McCann (1937)

Morra (1958)

Morris, Mrs. E. Huckins (1959)

Morris, Ellen (1980)

Morris, Laura B. S. (1962)

Morris Society (1965)

Morris, Mrs. V. C. (1951)

Morrison, Hugh (1935-1936, 1940-1941, 1945, 1947-1953, 1956, 1970)

Morrison, Mary Lane (1977)

Morrissey, Rita (1957-1961, 1966-1967, 1969-1975, 1980, 1982, 1985-1986)

Morse, John D. (1946- 1947)

Morton, James P. (1976)

Morton, John and Flossie (1941)

Morton, M. M. (1960)

Moss, Richard (1959)

Mount Holyoke College (1942, 1947, 1949, 1951-1952, 1957, 1963, 1970)

Mount Vernon Ladies Association (1955)

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (1986)

Mumford, Lewis (1927-1930, 1945-1946, 1948, 1951, 1979, 1982)

Munich (1956)

Municipal Art Society of New York (1957, 1978-1981, 1983)

Munson Williams Proctor Institute (1951, 1962, 1966-1967)

Munsterberg, Hugo (1946)

Munz, Heinrich (1958)

Munz, Ludwig (1956)

Murphy, Francis (1967)

Murray, Edward (1971)

Murtagh, William J. (1979-1980)

Museo Internazionale di Architettura Moderna (1961-1963)

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1962) ( -- see also -- : Boston, Museum of Fine Arts)

Museum of Modern Art (1936, 1939, 1941, 1943-1962, 1964-1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1982, 1984, undated)

Museum of the City of New York (1956-1958)

Musgrave, Clifford (1956)

Music Press (1949)

Myers, Denys P. (1963)

Mylonas, Paul M. (1956)

Mystic Seaport (1974)

Nachmani, Cynthia (1977)

Nagel, Charles (1954-1955)

Nagle, Priscilla C. (1963)

Nairn, Ian (1956)

Napoli, Univesita degli Studi di (1978)

Napper, J. H. (1961)

Nash, Roy (1949-1950)

Nash, Suzanne (1952)

Nation -- (1957)

National Academy of Design (1962)

National Archives of Canada ( -- see -- : Canada, National Archives of)

National Buildings Record -- (1942, 1947, 1949)

National Buildings Register (1942-1943, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960)

National Council on the Arts and Government (1957)

National Cyclopedia of American Biography -- (1961, 1970-1971)

National Endowment for the Humanities (1969-1970, 1973, 1975-1976, 1978-1979)

National Foundation for Arts and Humanities (1970-1971)

National Galleries of Scotland (1946)

National Gallery (London) (1964)

National Gallery of Art (1950, 1962, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1980-1982)

National Gallery of Canada (see: Canada, National Gallery of)

National Institute of Arts and Letters (1956)

National Monuments Record (1971)

National Park Service (1965, 1970)

National Registration Identity Card (Great Britain) (1946)

National Science Foundation (1968)

National Trust (1950, 1952)

National Trust for Historic Preservation (1955, 1958, 1961-1962, 1964-1966, 1969-1970, 1976-1978)

National Trust for Scotland (1953)

Navy League (1946)

Naylor, Edith M. (1944)

Nebraska, University of (1955)

Nelson, Paul D. (1928)

Nesbin, Esther W. (1950)

Netherlandish Scrolled Gables... -- ( -- see -- : Dutch Gables Book)

Netsch, Walter (1961)

Neuburg Staatsarchiv (1973)

Neuman, Hartwig (1985)

Neutra, Richard (1928, 1940-1941, 1954, 1969, undated)

Neville, Elizabeth (1964)

Neville, Richard G. (1958)

Neville, Harriett Elizabeth (1966)

New American Library (1952)

New Amsterdam Casualty Co. (1948)

New England Antiquities, Society for the Preservation of (1972-1973) ( -- see also -- : Preservation of New England Antiquities, Society for the; Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities)

New England Architecture, Committee for the Centennial Exhibition of (1957)

New England Quarterly -- (1955)

New Gallery (1963)

New Haven Festival of Arts (1959)

New Haven Preservation Trust (1964, 1966-1969)

New Jersey Historical Society (1962)

New Jersey Society of Architects (1957)

New Liberty (1952)

New London (1976)

New Mexico, University of (1957)

New Watson Hotel (1955)

New York Central Railway (1956)

New York City (1972)

New York City, Art Commission of (1983)

New York City Planning Commission (1972)

New York Graphic Society (1970

New York Herald Tribune -- (1947)

New-York Historical Society (1950-1951, 1961-1962, 1969)

New York State Association of Architects (1949)

New York State, Temporary Commission on the Restoration of the Capitol (1980-1981)

New York, State University of (1952)

New York Times -- (1947-1948, 1957, 1960-1961)

New York University (1945-1949, 1951-1954, 1958, 1960-1961, 1968-1986) ( -- see also -- : Gray Art Gallery; Institute of Fine Arts) New York University Seminar (1977, 1980)

New Yorker -- (1926, 1946)

Newark Public Library (1969)

Newbegin's Bookshop (1947)

Newberry, S. W. (1958)

Newcastle (1956)

Newcastle on Tyne, University of (1970)

Newcomb College (1961)

Newcomb, Rexford (1946-1947)

Newhall, Beaumont (1947, 1950, 1952, 1955-1958, 1967)

Newhan Book Shop (1947)

Newhouse, S. I., Jr. (1982)

Newhouse, Victoria (1980-1982, 1984)

Newman, Robert B. (1952, 1954-1955)

Newmeyer, Alfred (1959-1960)

Newnham College (1962)

Newnes, Ltd. (1946)

Newport Co. [Rhode Island], Preservation Society of (1952) ( -- see also -- : Preservation Society of Newport Co. [Rhode Island])

Newport Historical Society (1968)

Newton, Roger Hale (1946, 1953)

Nicholette, Manfredi (1955)

Nichols, Fred (1956-1960)

Nicholson, Ben (1946, 1950-1953)

Niebling, Howard V. (1973)

Niemeyer, Oscar (1955-1956)

Nijmegan (1969)

Nineteenth Century American Architects -- [with Philip Johnson] (1932)

Nismonger, Estelle (1948)

Noble, Michael (1972)

Nodena Foundation (1952)

Noehles, Karl (1956)

Nordt, Janis M. H. 1981

North Carolina, University of (1941, 1960, 1969)

North Dakota Agricultural College (1953)

North Easton (1968)

North Easton Historic District, H. H. Richardson Tour (1975)

Northampton Historical Society (1952)

Northwest College Lectures and Concerts Association (1959)

Northwestern University (1968-1971, 1977-1978, 1985)

Norton and Co. (1965-1967, 1970, 1978-1979, 1981-1982)

Norton, Paul H. (1952-1953, 1957-1960, 1963, 1966-1968)

Notre Dame, University of (1965)

Novotny (1959)

Noyes, S. R. (1947)

Nutt, Richard S. (1959)

Oak Park (1969)

Oak Park, Landmarks Commission of (1978)

Oakes Ames Memorial Hall (1970)

Oberhuber, Konrad (1965)

Oberlin College (1947, 1950)

Obesity Diet (1945)

O'Brien, Wendy (1962)

Observer -- (1953)

O'Callaghan, John (1970-1971, 1974)

Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl (1972, 1975, 1979-1987)

O'Connor, R. B. (1962)

O'Gorman, James F. (1970, 1974, 1977)

Ogunquit Museum of Art (1965)

Ohio Historical Society (1956)

Ohio State University (1952, 1959, 1962, 1967)

Ohle (1956)

Ojeda, Luis (1949)

Oklahoma, University of (1949)

Olana (1964, 1966)

Old Print Shop, Inc. (1951)

Olds, Irving S. (1952)

O'Leary, Pat (1956-1957)

Olfanos (1970)

Ollinger, G. Batchelder (1970)

Olmstead, Lorena Ann (1951)

Olpp, William H. (1948)

Olsen, Karolyn (1954-1955)

Olson, Charles (1965-1966)

Olson, Joan H. (1964)

O'Malley, Rev. J.M.E. (1960)

O'Malley-Williams, A. C. (1961) ( -- see also -- : Williams, A. C. O'Malley)

Omoto, Sadayoski (1951)

O'Neal, William B. (1961, 1967, 1970, 1978)

O'Neil, Kathleen (1946)

One World (1946)

Onot, Etta S. (1973)

Open University (1981)

Oppeille (1946)

Oppenheimer, Herbert (1975-1977)

Oppositions -- (1974)

Opus Musicum -- (1964)

Oregon, University of (1953, 1960-1962)

Orfanos, Patricia (1982)

Orth, Myra (1971, 1973)

Ortner, Evelyn (1970)

Ortner, Everett H. (1975)

Osmun, Bill (1959)

Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek (1956, 1958)

Osterstrom, Marta (1966)

Ostrow, Stephen (1957)

Osuhowski, Carol (1955)

Ott, Orville (1956)

Otto, Christian F. (1965-1966, 1968, 1970-1972, 1975, 1979-1982)

Oud, J.J.P. (1928-1929, 1948, 1950, undated)

Oudheidkunding Genootschap (1962)

Owings, Nathaniel (1961)

Overby, Osmund (1968, 1971, 1973, 1976-1977)

Owens, Dean (1981)

Owens, Jean (1976)

Oxford University (1935, 1953)

Ozinga, M. D. (1953, 1961-1964, 1966)

Pacific Historical Review -- (1970)

Padovic, James Farrell (1952, 1955)

Paffrath Gallery (1960-1961)

Pagano Foundation (1963)

Page, Evelyn (1950, 1954)

Page, Gertrude W. (1931)

Page, H. (1952)

Page, Robert (1975)

Paget, Paul (1971)

Paige, Maude Steinway (1969)

Paint Journal -- (1956)

Palestrant, Stephen (1963)

Pallottino, Massimo (1961)

Palmer, James E. (1952)

Palmer, Richard (1946)

Palmes, James C. (1957)

Palsgrove, James L. (1948, 1953)

Panofsky, Erwin (1940, 1945, 1952-1953, 1956, 1961)

Park, Helen O'B. (1975)

Park, Rosemary (1954)

Paris, Barbara (1949)

Parker, Barbara (1954)

Parkhurst, Charles (1952, 1954-1955, 1961, 1968)

Parkin, John C. (1959-1960, 1962, 1964, 1968)

Parks, Robert O. (1955-1956, 1961-1962)

Parmentier, Douglas (1945)

Parsons, Katharine (1952-1953, 1960, 1963)

Parsons School of Design (1947)

Partovi, Zahra (1985)

Partridge, Margaret (1973)

Passediot Gallery (1949)

Passport (1945, 1954, 1968)

Pastuhov, Vladimir Dimitrievitch (1961)

Paterson, A. B. (1953)

Patterson, John (1942, 1947)

Pattison, Walter (1947)

Paul, Adaline (1952-1953)

Paul, Jacques (1966)

Paul, Jurgen (1965, 1971, 1973-1974)

Paul Memorial Library (1954)

Paulsson, Gregor (1956)

Paxton Drawings (1951)

Peabody Institute of Baltimore (1938)

Peabody Museum (1948, 1951)

Peale Museum (1952-1953, 1956) ( -- see also -- : Baltimore City Museum)

Pearlman, Jill (1985-1986)

Pearson Fund (1977)

Pearson, Marjorie (1972, 1978-1980)

Pearson, Norman H. (1952)

Peat, Wilbur (1955)

Peck, F. Taylor (1954)

Pegge, Denis (1962)

Pei, I. M. (1962)

Pelican Books (1971, 1979)

Pelligrini and Cudahy, Inc. (1948)

Pelzer, Dorothy (1948)

Pendleton, Ralph (1955)

Penguin Books (1945-1946, 1953, 1955, 1957-1979, 1981- 1982, 1984)

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (1950-1951, 1972-1973)

Pennsylvania, Historical Society of (1942, 1953, 1958)

Pennsylvania Railroad Co. (1956-1957)

Pennsylvania State College (1949-1950, 1952)

Pennsylvania, University of (1955-1957, 1970, 1973, 1976-1978)

Pennsylvania, University of, Architecture Society (1952-1953)

Penrose Annual -- (1956)

Penshorn, Everett (1973)

Pentland, W. T. (1957)

Perkin, George (1960)

Perkins, Elizabeth (1966)

Perkins, Holmes (1952-1953, 1956, 1960-1961)

Perry, Judy (1956)

Perspecta -- (1957, 1959-1960, 1963-1964, 1970, 1981)

Perspectives U.S.A. -- (1952)

Perstel Verlag (1972)

Peters, Susan Dodge (1978)

Peterson, Bob (1961)

Peterson, Charles E. (1936, 1947-1948, 1950-1954, 1956, 1966, 1974)

Peterson, Jon (1964)

Peterson, Joyce (1952-1953)

Petersson, Robert (1956)

Petrick (1950)

Petrides, Andreas (1980)

Pettingil, George E. (1956-1957, 1978)

Pevsner Festschrift (1966-1969)

Pevsner Memorial Library (1986)

Pevsner, Nikolaus (1941-1942, 1945, 1947-1979, 1983-1984, undated)

Pfistermeister, Ursula (1971)

Phaidon Press, Ltd. (1967, 1969, 1970-1973)

Phelps, Kevin (1977)

Phi Beta Kappa (1948, 1954, 1958)

Philadelphia Award (1960)

Philadelphia, Free Library of (1944)

Philadelphia, Library Company of (1980)

Philadelphia Museum of Art (1945, 1951, 1954-1955, 1974-1975, 1982)

Phillips, Cecil L. (1946)

Phillips, John (1946)

Phillips, Wildger John (1952)

Phoenix Indemnity Co. (1955)

Photographie Giraudon (1958)

Pickard of Leeds, Ltd. (1954)

Pickens, Buford L. (1941, 1945, 1960, 1968, 1978)

Picture Post Library (1952-1955)

Pidgeon, Monica (1955)

Pierson, Jewel (1965)

Pierson, William (1948, 1953)

Pilgrim Society (1945-1954, 1956-1958, 1960-1986)

Piper, Marion K. (1971)

Pitt and Scott Ltd. (1956)

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation (1967)

Pittsburgh, University of (1928, 1956-1957)

Placzek, Adolph K. (1965-1967, 1973-1974, 1976, 1979)

Plagemann, Volker (1969)

Planning Committee [Birkenhead Co., England] (1954)

Plaut, James S. (1946, 1953)

Pleasants, Frederick K. (1948, 1954)

Plenum Publishing Corp. (1969-1972)

Pleydel, H. Cliquet (undated)

Pleydell-Bouverie, David (1965, 1971, 1977-1978, 1983, undated) ( -- see also -- : Bouverie, David Pleydell)

Plimouth Plantation, Inc. (1950, 1953, 1955)

Plishke, E. A. (1954)

Plymouth Antiquarian Society (1952, 1960, 1962-1963, 1970, 1973-1974, 1976, 1983)

Plymouth Five Cents Savings Bank (1961)

Plymouth National Bank (1945, 1955)

Poe, Anthony (1955)

Poland (1973)

Polish Academy of Sciences (1972)

Polish Embassy (1970)

Pollard, Phyllis (1958)

Polshek, James Stewart (1980)

Polytechnic School of Architecture, Surveying, and Building (1955)

Pommer, Richard (1965, 1967, 1971, 1974-1975)

Pomona College (1946, 1963)

Pope-Hennessy, John (1959, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1971-1973, 1978)

Poppeliers, John C. (1968)

Porter, A. Kingsley (1923-1925, 1927-1931)

Porter, Lucy (1930, 1936, 1945-1946, 1949-1954, 1956-1957, 1963, undated)

Porter-Phelps-Huntington House, Inc. (1953, 1955-1957)

Porter-Phelps-Huntington Foundation (1962-1964, 1967)

Portnoy, Martin (1986)

Portsmouth Priory (1949)

Posener, Julius (1964-1966, 1968-1969)

Postmaster, Western District, London (1956)

Potter, Brooks ( 1956)

Potter, Inc. (1969)

Powell, Herbert ( 1963)

Powell, Philip (1952)

Powell, Philip and Moya (1954)

Praeger, Inc. (1962-1963, 1967-1971, 1973)

Prairie School Press (1963, 1966, 1968, 1970)

Prakapas, Eugene J. (1974, 1985)

Prats, Joan (1956)

Pratt and Whitney Aircraft (1945)

Praz, Mario (1955-1956)

Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1962)

Pre-Raphaelite Decorative Arts Exhibition (1971)

Preservation League of New York (1981)

Preservation of New England Antiquities, Society for the (1956, 1963, 1966) ( -- see also -- : New England Antiquities, Society for the Preservation of; Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities)

Preservation Society of Newport Co. [Rhode Island] (1948, 1955) ( -- see also -- : Newport Co. [Rhode Island], Preservation Society of)

Prestel Verlag (1975)

Preston, James (1963)

Preusser, Robert (1957)

Prey, Pierre du (1968-1969)

Preziosi, Donald (1981)

Price, Eric J. (1946)

Price, Paton (1949)

Priest, Allen (undated)

Primex Trading Co. (1950)

Prince, Charlotte (1969)

Princeton University (1945-1947, 1951-1952, 1955, 1957-1958, 1963, 1972, 1974-1978, 1985)

Prior, Harris K. (1947-1949, 1951, 1954-1956, 1962)

Pritzker Architecture Prize (1982)

Prochnik, Wit-Olaf (1956)

Producers' Council (1961-1962)

Program (1964)

Progressive Architecture -- (1948, 1953-1954, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1965-1967, 1969, 1971, 1977)

Propylaen Verlag Berlin (1975)

Providence Preservation Society (1960-1961)

Providence Public Library (1969)

Ptasnik, Mieczyslaw (1970)

Pugin's "Contrasts," Introduction to (1968)

Pulitzer, Mrs. Ralph (1954)

Putnam, George (1941)

Putnam, Natalie (1953)

Quadrangle Books (1969)

Quantrill, Malcolm (1956-1963, 1967, 1983, 1985)

Quaritch Ltd. (1953)

Queens College (1947)

Quinan, John (1972, 1980)

Quincy, Edmund (1959-1962)

Quincy Society of Fine Arts (1965-1966)

Raab, Martin D. (1954)

Rabinovich, Guillermo (1962)

Radcliffe College (1962)

Radice, E. A. (Ted) (1946, 1953-1954)

Raider, Nancy (1985)

Rainer, Roland (1956)

Rambusch, Catha Grace (1980-1981, 1983)

Ramsey, Ronald Lanier (1972)

Rand, Marvin (1959)

Randall, John D. (1958, 1973, 1981, 1984)

Randall, Richard R. (1966)

Randolph Hotel (1958)

Randolph Macon Women's College (1955)

Random House (1963)

Ransom, David (1977)

Rapson, Carin (1961)

Rapson, Ralph (1954, 1958-1959)

Rat fur Formgebung (1956)

Rathbone, Perry (1951-1952)

Rathbun, Mary C. (1947)

Rauch, Basil (1954, 1956)

Rava, Rebzi (1957)

Rawles Ltd. (1953)

Rebhuhn, Anne (1941)

Redfern Gallery (1946)

Reed, L. B. (1948-1950, 1952-1953)

Reed, Susan Welsh (1965)

Reeves and Son (1946)

Reform Club (1955)

Regensburg Stadt Museum (1973)

Regina College (1952)

Regional Planning Office [Australia] (1953)

Reiach, Alan (1954, 1956-1957)

Reid, Alexander (1946)

Reiff, Robert (1959)

Reinauer, B. Franklin (1985)

Reinberger, Mark (1982)

Reiner, Jan (1952)

Reinhardt, Phyllis A. (1953-1955, 1960-1961, 1967-1968)

Reinhold Books (1957, 1959)

Reinhold Publishing Co. (1954)

Reinink, A. W. (1964, 1966-1967, 1969-1972)

Renaissance Conference (1945)

Renaissance Quarterly -- (1970)

Renaissance Society of America (1954, 1956-1958, 1961)

Renascence (1955)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1947, 1986)

Research Publications (1970-1971)

Residenz Verlag (1968)

Revista de Occidente Argentinia -- (1949)

Rewald, John (1977)

Rewald, S. (1976)

Rheinisches Museum (1958)

Rheinland Landschaftsverband (1956)

Rhode Island (1968)

Rhode Island Architecture -- (1939, 1968)

Rhode Island School of Design (1949-1950, 1952, 1956, 1982-1983)

Rhoads, William B. (1969)

Ribner, Jonathan (1979)

Rice, Davis and and Daley (1946-1949)

Rice Institute (1958)

Rice, Norman (1966)

Rich, Daniel Catton (1981)

Rich, Frances (1966)

Richards, Brian (1955)

Richards, Charles R. (1928)

Richards, Jim (1950, 1956)

Richards, Jim and Kit (1955)

Richards, John M. (1946, 1947, 1952, 1954, 1965)

Richardson (1956)

Richardson, A. E. (1945, 1954)

Richardson, Douglas (1971-1972, 1974-1976)

Richardson, Douglas Scott (1966)

Richardson, E. P. (Ted) (1953, 1955)

Richardson, H. H. (1974, 1978, 1982)

Richardson, Joseph P. (1973)

Richmond (1947, 1965)

Ricketson, John H. (1963)

Rickey, George W. (1961)

Rider, Fremont (1950)

Rietveld (1963)

Rijksmuseum (1956)

Rindge, Agnes (1930, 1945, 1947) ( -- see also -- : Claflin, Agnes Rindge)

Ringling Museum of Art (1948-1949, 1952)

Riopelle, Chris (1979-1982, 1984)

Ripley, Dillon (1958)

Ritter, John C. (1962)

Riverside, University of California at (1966)

Robb, David M. (1945, 1953, 1959)

Roberts, Abby B. (1941)

Roberts, Laurance (1959)

Robertson, Jacques (1955)

Robertson, Nancy (1959)

Robie House, Committee for the Preservation of the (1962-1965, 1967)

Robinson and Cleaver (1960-1961)

Robinson, Cervin (1962)

Robinson, Franklin W. (1981)

Roche, Kevin (1966, 1974-1975)

Rochester (1967)

Rochester Memorial Art Gallery (1949)

Rochester, Print Club of (1949-1950)

Rochester, University of (1970)

Rockefeller, Mr. and Mrs. David (1967)

Rockefeller, Mr. and Mrs. John D., 3rd (1955)

Rockefeller, Winston (1957)

Rococo Architecture in Southern Germany -- (1967-1968)

Rodman, Selden (1949)

Roe, Albert S. (1961)

Rollins, Clara B. (1950)

Romaine, Lawrence B. (1941, 1946-1953, 1955, 1958, 1961)

Rome (1959)

Roop, Ellen (1967)

Roos, Frank J. (1938, 1947)

Roosevelt University (1957-1958)

Rorimer, James J. (1955)

Roscoe, Field (1952)

Rose, Francis (1947, 1949-1954, 1956, 1964, undated)

Rose, Frederica (1955)

Rose, Laura (1976)

Rosebery, Earl of (1952)

Rosenberg, Arthur M. (1951)

Rosenberg, Eugene (1956)

Rosenberg, George (1976)

Rosenberg, Jim (1954)

Rosenblum, Robert H. (1952-1953, 1956-1969, 1972, 1982)

Rosenthal, Julius (1948)

Rosenwald, Lessing J. (1948)

Rosett, Francis (1957-1958)

Rosever, Kenneth M. (1952)

Ross, Marian Dean (1941, 1947, 1952-1954, 1956, 1960-1962, undated)

Ross, Marvin C. (1957, 1962)

Ross, Robert W. (1925, undated)

Roth, Leland (1970, 1973-1974, 1976, 1978, 1982)

Rothenberg, Jacob (1952)

Rowaan, H. (1963)

Rowe, Barbara C. (1958)

Rowe, Brian and Colin (1952)

Rowe, Colin (1953-1956, 1960-1961, 1964, 1977)

Rowland, Browse and Delbanco (1952)

Rox, Henry (1953, 1945)

Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1955)

Royal Architectural Institute of Canada ( -- see -- : Canada, Royal Architectural Institute of)

Royal Automobile Club (1956)

Royal College of Art (1953)

Royal Institute of British Architects (1936, 1946-1957, 1959, 1962, 1968, 1970, 1975, 1981,1986)

Royal Society of Arts (1950, 1953, 1955-1956, 1959-1962, 1964, 1966-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1975-1976, 1978-1980, 1983, 1985-1986)

Royal Vangorcum Ltd. 1965

Rub, Timothy (1978-1982, 1986-1987)

Rubin, Don (1970)

Rubin, Joan Carpenter (1980)

Rudd, J. William (1961, 1963, 1966)

Rudisill, Richard (1964)

Rudolph, Paul (1950, 1952-1954, 1963-1964, undated)

Rueger, Charles (1954)

Rufford Travel (1954-1955)

Ruggie Agency (1949-1950, 1952-1955, 1961)

Rusch, Basil (1955)

Rusk, W. S. (1935)

Ruskin Society of America (1951, 1953)

Russell, A. LeBaron (1947)

Russell, Beverly (1975)

Russell, Christopher A. (1953)

Russell, Gordon (1956)

Russell, Mr. and Mrs. William G. (1954)

Russian Review -- (1955)

Rutgers University (1955, 1972-1973, 1982, 1985)

Rutledge, Anna Wells (1951, 1955, 1957, 1962, 1966)

Ryan Studios (1958)

Ryder, Arthur (1949)

Ryerson and Burnham Libraries, Art Institute of Chicago (1949) ( -- see also -- : Burnham Library; Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago, Art Institute of)

Saarinen, Aline B. (1962)

Saarinen, Eero (1957, 1963-1964)

Sabin Coal Co. (1954-1955)

Sachs, Paul J. (1925-1926, 1928, 1951-1952, 1955)

Saint, Andrew (1982, 1986)

St. George's Gallery Books (1959, 1964-1965, 1968, 1970, 1977-1978)

St. James Press (1978)

St. John's University (1961)

St. Louis, City Art Museum of (1961, 1966)

Salmon and Son (1954)

Salto Liberia (1962)

Saltonstall, Gladys (1928)

Saltonstall, Leverett (1953)

Salzberg Seminar in American Studies (1959)

Salzburg (1953)

Samoset Garage (1946)

Samson, Miles D. (1984)

Samuel, Godfrey (1948, 1952, 1956, 1959)

San Antonio Fine Arts Forum (1958)

Sanborn, Herbert J. (1960)

San Jose State University ( -- see -- : California, San Jose State University)

Santacroce, Valeria A. (1959-1960)

Sarton, May (1953)

Satterwaithe, Margaret (1970)

Sauer, David (1958)

Sauerlander, Willebald (1961-1966, 1969, 1971-1974)

Sauermost, Heinz Jurgen 1969

Savage, Charles C. (1972-1977, 1979, 1983, 1986)

Savage, Henry (1973)

Saville Club (1946)

Sawelson-Gorse, Naomi (1986)

Sawyer, Charles H. (1947, 1952-1953)

Sawyer, H. Keith (1983)

Scalvini, Maria Luisa (1983)

Scanlan, Stuart J. (1954)

Scarmuzza, Jack (1952)

Schaack, Margaret C. D. (1974)

Schaefe, Madeline (undated)

Schaeffer, Bertha (1955)

Schaeffer, John (1946)

Schafran, Lynn (1970)

Schalk, Dorothy (1957)

Scheper, H. (1956)

Scheu-Riesze, Helene (1959)

Schindler, R. M. (1930)

Schlee (1973)

Schmidt, Erwin (1958)

Schmitt, Robert (1962-1967, 1970)

Schmoller, Hans (1958)

Schmuzer Article (1965)

Schnabel, Henry H. (1964, 1967, 1969)

Schneider, Donald D. (1961, 1966, 1975, 1976)

Schneiderman, Stephen (1962)

Schnell, Hugo (1966-1967)

Schoener, Allan (1953)

School Service Bureau (1950, 1957)

Schorske, Elizabeth (1953)

Schorske, Elizabeth and Carl (1948, 1954)

Schraack, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. (1975)

Schreider, Louis (1971)

Schulze, Franz (1986)

Schwarz, Heinrich (1952)

Schwinn, Walter K. (1976)

Scientific American -- (1952)

Scott, Geoffrey (1928)

Scott, Hayden (1952, 1958)

Scribner's Sons (1948, 1950, 1960, 1966-1967, 1969, 1979)

Scully, Arthur (1982)

Scully, Vincent (1948, 1950-1956, 1962, 1971-1972, 1977)

Scutt (1963)

Seagram and Sons U. S. Bicentennial Project (1976-1978)

Seale, William (1973, 1975, 1980-1981, 1984, 1986)

Searing, Helen (1962-1963, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1975-1976, 1979, 1983-1984)

Seaver, Esther (1948-1949, 1952)

Seeger, Mia (1956)

Segre, Maria (1963)

Seiberling, Frank (1952, 1955-1956, 1958, 1963)

Sekler, E. F. (1953)

Sekler, Edward F. (1976)

Sekler, Edward L. (1960, 1965-1967)

Seligman, Georges E. (1950)

Sellin, David (1972)

Selz, Peter (1959-1960)

Senie, Harriet (1976, 1979, 1981)

Senter, Terance A. (1972, 1974)

Serynyk, Peter (1966, 1973)

Sert, Jose Luis (1954, 1956)

Seven Arts Book Society (1957)

Severini, Lois (1978-1979, 1982-1984)

Seymour, Anne Halle (1966)

Seznec, Jean (1955)

Shaker Community, Hanco*ck, Mass. (1962)

Shapira, Nathan, H. (1961)

Shapiro, Ellen R. (1977)

Shapiro, Meyer (1961)

Shaw, Thomas S. (1966)

Shawe-Taylor, Desmond (1946)

Shawmut Bank (1954)

Shea, Mrs. John L. (1954)

Shear, John K. (1956)

Sheffield, Margaret (1974)

Shelter Publications (1973)

Shepley, Bullfinch, Richardson and Abbott (1961, 1981)

Shepley, Henry (1948)

Sheraton Hotel (1952, 1968)

Sheridan, Friede (1956-1959, 1961)

Sherwood, Mrs. John R. (1952)

Shillaber, Caroline (1957, 1972)

Shipley, Brown (undated)

Shipman, Mary (1965)

Shipman, Mary and Arthur (1956)

Shoe String Press, Inc. (1965, 1979)

Shokokusha Publications (1961)

Shore, James R. (1962)

Shores, Ken (1962)

Sias, Garrett K. (1959)

Sidles, Mrs. Frank C. (1963)

Sihriu, Omico (1955)

Silsby, Peter (1961)

Silverman, Jill Anne (1975)

Silvermine Publications (1965)

Simpson, Charles (1968)

Simpson, Mrs. Kenneth F. (1950)

Simpson, Marc (1977)

Simpson, P. L. (1973)

Sims, W. S. (1946)

Simson, Otto G. (1954)

Singelenberg, Pieter (1962-1963, 1970-1971, 1974)

Singleton, W. A. (1956)

Sinnen, Jean (1964)

Sise, Hazen (1969)

Sitwell, Gilbert (1952)

Sizer, Theodore (1933, 1945-1946, 1950-1952, 1956, 1963)

Skempton, A.W. (1961)

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (1960-1963, 1979)

Skopek, Thomas (1949)

Sky, Alison (1975)

Slater Memorial Museum (1950)

Sleepy Hollow Restorations (1957)

Slive, Seymour (1958)

Slive, Zoya (1965)

Sloan, Joseph C. (1959)

Sloane, Joseph C. (1958)

Small, Philip L. (1928)

Smartt, Donald (1981)

Smith, Alexander Mackay (1949) ( -- see also -- : Mackay-Smith, Alexander)

Smith and Sons (1953)

Smith, Anna L. (undated)

Smith, Betty (1928-1929)

Smith College (1946-1964, 1966-1973, 1975-1976, 1978, 1981-1982) ( -- see also -- : Department; Kennedy Fund)

Smith College Alumnae Association (1954) ( -- see also -- : Alumnae Association)

Smith, E. Baldwin (1946-1947, 1953)

Smtih, Edith (1928-1929)

Smith, Fred S. (1928)

Smith, Mrs. Frederick (1945)

Smith, G. E. Kidder (1957, 1961, 1963, 1965)

Smith, George Walter Vincent Museum (1961)

Smith, Gertrude D. (1972)

Smith, Hinchman and Grulls Associates, Inc. (1976)

Smith, Kathryn (1976-1980, 1983, 1986)

Smith, Linn (1947)

Smith, Meg (1972, 1974)

Smith, Patricia Anne (1950)

Smith, Peter van der Meulen (1927-1928)

Smith, Robert C. (1950-1952, 1956)

Smith, Sidney (1947)

Smith, Vincent (1971)

Smith, William and Son (1949)

Smithson, Peter (1966)

Smithsonian Associates (1975)

Smithsonian Institution (1967, 1976, 1979)

Smyser, H. M. (1965)

Smyth, Craig Hugh (1951-1952, 1956, 1983)

Snow, Florence (1955)

Snow, Wilbert (1945)

Snowden, Ernest (1927-1928)

Snyder, John (1974)

Soby, James Thrall (1945-1950, 1954-1955, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1968, 1977, 1979)

Soby, Nellie (1951-1953)

Societe Editions de France (1958)

Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities ( -- see -- : Long Island Antiquities, Society for the Preservation of)

Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities (1948, 1972, 1975) ( -- see also -- : New England Antiquities, Society for the Preservation of; Preservation of New England Antiquities, Society for the)

Society of Architectural Historians (1949-1985, 1987)

Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (1958-1980, 1983-1986)

Society of Mayflower Descendants ( -- see -- : Mayflower Descendants, Society of)

Solomon, Arthur and Marny (1975)

Solomon, Pringle (1948)

Somerset Co. [N.J.] Park Commission (1970)

Somerwil, J. (1962)

Sommer, Clifford C. (1958)

Sommer, Frank (1970)

Sonne, Fi (1955-1956)

Sonnenberg, Benjamin (1972)

Sorem, Lucia (1961)

Soria, Martin (1958)

Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc. (1971, 1982)

Southern California, University of (1966, 1968)

Southern Regional Education Board (1966)

Spaeth, John W. (1945-1946)

Spark, Victor (1948, 1971)

Spear, Dorothea (1955)

Speed Art Museum ( -- see -- : Louisville, J. B. Speed Art Museum)

Speed, Herbert (1946)

Speirs, Bruce (1982)

Spence, Basil (1963-1964)

Spence, Eleanor (1954)

Spencer, Brian (1973-1974)

Spencer, Stephen (1956)

Spencer, Walter L. (1975-1976, 1978)

Sperling, Harry G. (1955)

Speyer, Darthea (1952)

Spokes, P. S. (1955)

Sprague, Joan Forrester (1960)

Sprague, Paul (1973, 1980, 1983)

Springarn, J. E. (1938)

Springfield [Mass.] (1980-1981)

Springfield [Mass.] City Planning Department (1971)

Springfield [Mass.] Museum of Fine Arts (1949, 1954)

Springfield [Mass.] Republican (1944-1945)

Springfield [Miss.] Art Museum (1949)

Staatsarchiv (1966)

Stabile, Elizabeth (1963)

Stadt Koln (1957)

Stahl, Frederick A. (Tod) (1969-1970)

Staib, Hermann (1966, 1968-1969, 1974)

Staley, Karl A. (1953)

Stamm, Gunther (1979)

Stamp, Gavin (1978, 1985)

Stanford University (1985)

Stanton, Phoebe B. (1952-1954, 1958, 1965, 1968, 1970)

Staples Press (1950)

Starr, Mrs. Nathan C. (1952)

State Department, U. S. (1955, 1956, 1958) ( -- see also -- : Department of State; United States Department of State)

State Department, U.S. Information Agency (1957)

State Historical Society of Wisconsin ( -- see -- : Wisconsin, State Historical Society of)

Stebbins, Theodore E. (1965-1969, 1972-1973, 1977-1978)

Steegman, John (1950-1952, 1955-1956)

Steele, Geoffrey (1946, 1948, 1953)

Steen Hasselbalchs Forlag (1962)

Stein, Donna (1973-1974, 1978-1979)

Stein, Joseph A. (1947)

Stein, Margaret (1949)

Stein, Roger B. (1960)

Steiner, Johannes (1966)

Steinway and Sons (1946)

Steinway, Cassie (1960-1961, 1976, 1979, 1983-1985, undated)

Steinway, Cassie and Federick (1954)

Steinway, Frederick (1974)

Steinway, Lydia (1952-1953)

Steinway, Ruth (1928, 1945, 1947, 1949-1950, 1955-1956, 1958-1963, 1965-1968, 1970-1971, 1973-1974, 1978)

Steinway, Ruth and Theodore D. (1952-1954)

Steinway, Theodore D. (1982)

Steliaros, Mary (1974)

Stephens, Sherrie L. (1962)

Stern (1979)

Stern, Edgar (1977)

Stern, Edgar and Bita (1975)

Stern, Robert (1964, 1975, 1984-1985)

Sterner, Harold (1947)

Sternfeld, Fred and Sophia (1946-1957, 1959-1964, 1966, 1968, 1978, 1985-1986)

Sternfeld, Sophia (1970)

Stetson, Eugene W. (1965)

Stevens and Brown (1946)

Stevens, Sam (1964)

Stevens, Samuel (Thomas) (1953-1954)

Steyer, Glenn (1978)

Stiles, Florence Ward (1949-1950)

Sting, Hellmut (1966)

Stirling, James (1953)

Stockwell, E. Sidney (1960)

Stoddard and Talbot (1941, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1975)

Stoddard, Whitney (1952, 1054)

Stoedtner, Franz (1956-1958, 1964, 1970)

Stoller, Ezra (1956-1957, 1960)

Stone and Downer (1946)

Stony Point Folk Art Gallery (1957)

Stora Co. (1949)

Storrer, William Allin (1971-1978, 1980)

Stott, Eric (1982)

Stout, George L. (1953)

Stowe-Day Foundation (1965)

Stowell, Robert F. (1949)

Strache, Wolf (1963)

Strachey, John (1945)

Straight, Stephen M. (1966, 1970)

Straka, Paul (1974)

Strand, Janann (1976)

Stratton, Julius Adams (1963)

Strauss, Irma (1982)

Strickland, Charles R. (1938, 1948, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1966-1967, 1979)

Stroheim and Romann (1965)

Stroock, Paul A. (1969)

Stroud, Dorothy (1949-1953, 1955-1964, 1966-1967, 1971, 1973, 1978, 1983, undated)

Struck, Paul (1948)

Stubbins, Hugh (1952, 1960)

Stubblebine, James H. (1959, 1967-1968)

Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. (1986)

Studio Books (1960-1961)

Studio Publications (1927-1928)

Stulz, Dale W. (1981)

Sturbridge Village (1966-1976)

Sturges, W. K. (1952)

Sturges, Walter Knight (1969-1970)

Sturm, Martha (1967)

Stuttgart (1956, 1963)

Suffness, Rita (1977)

Summerson, John (1936-1937, 1939, 1941, 1945-1949, 1952-1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1962, 1966-1967, 1969-1970, 1980, 1982)

Sun [Baltimore] 1952 ( -- see also -- : -- Baltimore Sun -- )

Sunderland, Elizabeth (1946)

Sunderland, John (1953)

Sutherland, A. M. (1962)

Sutton, Mrs. Harvey P. (1941)

Swan, C. P. (1954)

Swarthmore College (1928, 1939, 1945)

Swayze, H. (1959)

Sweeney, James Johnson (1954, 1960)

Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson (1967)

Sweeney, John (1949, 1952-1953)

Sweeney, Robert L. (1976, 1980)

Sweet Briar College (1953)

Sweet, Frederick A. ( 1946, 1948, 1954)

Sweet, Victoria M. (1968)

Sweetland Photographers (1950)

Swets and Zeitlinger (1960)

Swetzoff Gallery (1951)

Swetzoff, Hyman (1952)

Swinton, George (1954-1955, 1957, 1964)

Swiss Review of World Affairs -- (1962)

Sylvester, David (1955)

Syracuse University (1976)

Syrkus, Szymon (1929)

Szambien, Werner (1977)

Tafel, Edgar (1962, 1971, 1973-1975, 1979-1980)

Tait, Alan (1966-1967)

Talbot, Harry (1952)

Talbott, Page (1976)

Talkington, Melinda (1969)

Tallmer, Jerry (1954)

Tamms, Frederick (1971)

Tannenbaum, Lily (1969)

Tanennbaum, Samuel (1952-1953)

Tate, Vernon (1947)

Tatum, George B. (1966, 1970, 1973, 1976)

Taube, Ivan (1975)

Taxes (1955)

Taylor, Fred M. (1954)

Taylor, Helen-Louise (1936-1938, undated)

Taylor, Lisa (1984)

Taylor, Nicholas (1962, 1966)

Taylor, Richard (1971)

Taylor, Walter (1953)

Tchelitchew, Paul (1952)

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (1946, 1948, 1954, 1956, 1962)

Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt ( -- see -- : Darmstadt, Technische Hochschule)

Technology Christian Association (1949)

Teel, William E. (1955)

Teichmann, Maurice (1956)

Teitelbaum Holdings, Ltd. (1982)

Tembo, Allan (1952)

Temple Hoyle-Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University ( -- see -- : Columbia University, Temple Hoyle-Buell Center...)

Temple University, Tyler School of Art (1962)

Tendler, Max (1962)

Tenko, Allen (1963)

Terrestris Greenhouses (1970)

Terry, Laurence (1952)

Texas Co. (1954)

Texas, University of (1968)

Thames and Hudson, Ltd. (1961, 1967-1968, 1970, 1972)

Thevoz, Michel (1970, 1974)

Thirteen, WNET (1978)

Thom, Mary (1955-1956)

Thomas, Downing (1949)

Thommasini, Anthony (1984)

Thompson, Francis (1946)

Thompson, K. (1954)

Thompson, Luther (1946-1948, 1950)

Thompson, Margaret and Randall (1948, 1956)

Thompson, Molly (1949)

Thompson, Paul (1968)

Thompson, R. S. (1960)

Thomson, Virgil (1927-1928, 1937, 1945-1948, 1950-1952, 1955, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1971-1972, 1974, 1979-1981, 1983, 1986, undated)

Thornburrow, David A. (1958)

Thornton Society of Washington (1943)

Ticeand Lynch (1946-1947)

Time -- (1959, 1967)

Time-Life (1946)

Times Literary Supplement -- (1967)

Tiranti, John, Ltd. (1949-1950)

Tirion, P.D.J. (1949)

Tobias and Co. (1946)

Toe, Abby N. (1970)

Toledo Museum of Art (1951, 1955)

Tomlinson, Mrs. (1951)

Tomlinson, Juliette (1975, 1977)

Tonetti, Joseph (1963)

Tongue, Sukru (1955)

Tonny, K. (1932)

Topeka City Beautification Association (1955)

Torbert, Donald R. (1956, 1959, 1961)

Toronto (1957)

Toronto, Art Gallery of (1950-1951, 1958-1960, 1974, 1977) ( -- see also -- : Art Gallery of Toronto)

Toronto, University of (1957-1960, 1976)

Town and Country -- (1946)

Trachtenberg, Martin (1976)

Trager, Philip (1983-1984)

Trans-World Shipping Co. (1960)

Trapp, Frank (1953)

Trappes-Lomax, Michael (1954)

Traversa de Dalt (1956)

Treasury Department, United States ( -- see -- : United States Treasury)

Trehearne and Norman (1959-1960)

Tremaine, Dee (1950)

Tremaine, Emily (1951-1957, 1962, 1965, 1969)

Trenton (1973)

Triennale de Milano (1959)

Trinity College ( -- see also -- : Austin Art Center) (1961, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1972-1973)

Trojan, Alina (1971)

Truex, Van Day (1946-1947)

Tselos, Dmitri (1943, 1946, 1956, 1958, 1961)

Tucker and Sons, Ltd. (1954)

Tunick, Susan (1982)

Tunnard, Christopher (1945, 1949-1951, 1958, 1965, undated)

Tunnard, Christopher and Lydia (1946-1948, 1975, 1981)

Tunnard, Lydia (1956, 1963)

Turl, Victor (1946, 1956)

Turner, Evan (1958)

Turner, Paul (1970, 1977, 1985)

Tuttle Co. (1952)

Twitchell, Ralph S. (1953)

Twiss, Richard E. (1979)

Tyler School of Art ( -- see -- : Temple University)

Ufford, James K. (1958)

UNESCO (1953)

Union College (1966, 1969)

Union Internacional de Arquitectos (1963)

Unitarian Association (1950)

Unitarian Congregational Society (1945)

Unitarian Universalist Church (1963)

United Engineering Trustees (1947)

United Kingdom Income Tax (1978)

United Press Association (1955)

United States Cultural Center, Berlin (1967)

United States Department of the Interior (1938, 1962)

United States Department of State ( -- see -- : Department of State; State Department, U. S.)

United States Congress, Committee on Education and Labor ( -- see -- : Committee on Education and Labor, U. S. Congress)

United States Information Service (1946, 1961)

United States Treasury (1945, 1969)

Unity Temple (1970)

Universal Transcontinental Corp. (1947)

Univesita degli Studi di Napoli ( -- see -- : Napoli,

Universita degli Studi di) (1978)

Universita Internazionale dell'Arte (1970)

University of Bristol ( -- see -- : Bristol, University of)

University of California at Riverside ( -- see -- : Riverside, University of California at)

University of California, San Jose State ( -- see -- : California, San Jose State University)

University of Chicago (1941, 1942) ( -- see also -- : Chicago, University of)

University of Cincinnati ( -- see -- : Cincinnati, University of)

University of Delaware ( -- see -- : Delaware, University of; Winterthur Program, University of Delaware)

University of Georgia ( -- see -- : Georgia, University of)

University of Glasgow ( -- see -- : Glasgow, University of)

University of Massachusetts ( -- see -- : Massachusetts, University of)

University of Melbourne ( -- see -- : Melbourne, University of)

University of Minnesota ( -- see -- : Minnesota, University of)

University of Nebraska ( -- see -- : Nebraska, University of)

University of New Mexico ( -- see -- : New Mexico, University of)

University of Notre Dame ( -- see -- : Notre Dame, University of)

University of Oklahoma ( -- see -- : Oklahoma, University of)

University of Oregon ( -- see -- : Oregon, University of)

University of Pennsylvania ( -- see -- : Pennsylvania, University of)

University of Pittsburgh ( -- see -- : Pittsburgh, University of)

University of Texas ( -- see -- : Texas, University of)

University of Toronto ( -- see -- : Toronto, University of)

University of Wisconsin ( -- see -- : Wisconsin, University of)

University of Witwatersrand ( -- see -- : Witwatersrand, University of)

University of York ( -- see -- : York, University of)

University Prints (1956-1959, 1962, 1964)

Unnitzer, Petra (1983)

Upjohn, Everared M. (1953)

Upton, Eleanor S. (1953)

Usonia (1983)

Utrecht, Kunsthistorische Instituut (1962)

Utrecht, Ryksuniversiteit te (1968)

Valentine and Sons Ltd. (1954)

Van Agtmaal (1958)

Van Bolschwig, Otto A. (1954) ( -- see also -- : Bolschwig, Otto A. Van)

Van der Berg, H. M. (1962)

Van der Poel, Priscilla (1949-1950, 1952, 1955-1956, 1958, 1960, 1962-1964, 1966, 1968-1969)

Van Derpool, James G. (1954-1956, 1959)

Van Eyck, Aldo (1956, 1963)

Van Fleet, Frederick A. (1946)

Van Gent, Arie (1957)

Vann, James Allen (1973)

Van Ojen (1958)

Van Ravensway, Charles (1939, 1963, 1966)

Van Tassel, Peter (1952-1953, 1966)

Van Trump, James D. (1957-1959, 1961, 1965, 1969)

Van Zanten, David T. (1965-1970, 1972-1973, 1975-1979, 1983, 1985)

Vancouver Hotel (1954)

Vanderbilt, Paul (1928-1930, 1941, 1945-1946, 1948-1950, 1952-1954, undated)

Vandersall, Amy (1966, 1971-1972)

Vanity Fair -- (1982)

Varley, Lee (1946, 1948, 1954, 1979)

Vassar College (1927, 1944-1946, 1961, 1965-1966, 1975, 1977)

Vaughan College (1962)

Venezuela, Universidad Central de (1967)

Venice (1975)

Venturi, Robert (1961, 1972)

Verlag Schnell and Steiner (1967, 1969)

Veronen, L. (1966)

Victoria and Albert Museum (1946, 1948-1949, 1953, 1955-1956, 1958)

Victorian Exhibition (1972)

Victorian Paperback [ -- Early Victorian Architecture in Britain -- ] (1966)

Victorian Society (1958, 1960-1966, 1968-1970, 1972-1980, 1985)

Victorian Society in America (1968, 1971-1986)

Victorian Society in America, American State Capitols Research Project (1971-1977)

Victorian Studies -- (1956-1959, 1962, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973-1974)

Viereck, Florence (1955)

Viereck, Peter (1949-1950, 1952-1953, 1956, 1961)

Viereck, Peter and Anya (1955)

View Magazine -- (1945)

Villanueva, A. (1956)

Villanueva, Carlos Raul (1955, 1957-1959, 1961)

Villanueva, Marcel (1965)

Viollet, Brian (1958)

Viollet, H. Roger (1959)

Virginia, Commonwealth of (1953, 1957)

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (1954, 1957)

Virginia Quarterly Review -- (1960)

Virginia, University of (1928, 1962, 1969-1970)

Visson, Assia R. (1946-1947)

Visual Publications Ltd. (1961)

Vogt, Adolf Max (1975)

Voice of America (1960, 1967)

Volpe, Anne R. (1974)

Von Erffa, Helmut (1948, 1952, 1955-1956, 1958, 1963, 1968)

Von Groschwitz, Fran (1970)

Von Groschwitz, Gustav [Von] (1945-1948, 1951-1952, 1961-1962, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1978)

Von Klemperer, Betty (1961, 1968)

Von Moschzisker, Berthe (1945, 1947-1951)

Vorenkamp, A.P.H. (1952)

Vorobiov, Mary (1954)

Vose Galleries (1960)

Vose, Robert C. (1949)

Vose, S. Morton (1952)

Vygen, Willy (1928)

Wachs, W. C. (1937)

Waddy, Patricia (1976)

Wade, John (1954)

Wade, Karen Graham (1974-1975, 1977, 1982)

Waddington Galleries (1956)

Wadsworth Athenaeum (1928, 1941, 1946-1948, 1958, 1963)

Wadsworth, Cleome (1945)

Wadsworth, Julius and Clarice (1959)

Wagner, Gunter (1983)

Wagner, Mary-Louise (1954)

Walch, Nicole (1972)

Wald, Alan (1977)

Walker Art Center (1944-1945, 1948, 1952, 1958-1959)

Walker, John (1928, 1965, 1977)

Walker, Robert (1959)

Walker, William (1946)

Wallace, Michael Lee (1959)

Walsh, Alice M. (1970)

Walter, Gayle (1953)

Walter Parrish International, Ltd. (1977)

Walters Art Gallery (1949)

Walters, Walter H. (1971)

Warburg Institute (1946, 1948)

Ward, Clarence (1943, 1945, 1947, 1952)

War Department (1948)

Ward, James (1980-1985)

Warn, Robert (1972, 1974)

Warner Burns Toan Lund (1982)

Warners, Albert (1963)

Warnoff, Deborah (1974)

Warren, Geoffrey (1936)

Warren, Richard (1974)

Warren and Whetmore (1957)

War Service Appointment (1942-1943)

Wasch, William (1983)

Washburn College (1938)

Washburn, Gordon B. (1945, 1948-1949, 1953-1954, 1965, undated)

Washington, Associated Students' University of (1965)

Washington Memorial Library (1954)

Wasmuth Antiquariat (1963-1968, 1970, 1972-1974, 1979)

Wasserman, Mrs. Amha (1959)

Wasserman, Jack (1961-1964)

Waterhouse, Ellis (1952)

Watkin, David A. (1965, 1973, 1981)

Watrous, James (1960-1961)

Watson, Peter (1946)

Watson, Steven (1985-1986)

Watts, Sarah Miles (1985)

Waugh, Arthur (1951-1953)

Way Forum (1963)

Weade, Katharine H. (1947)

Weakley, Joan (1980-1981)

Weatherby, Mrs. J. H. (1952)

Webb, Brian (1949-1950)

Webb, Geoffrey (1956)

Webb, James H. (1955)

Webb, Ltd. (1948)

Webber, Elroy (1949)

Weber, Harvey A. (1939, 1952)

Weber, Roland (1976)

Webster, J. Carson (1941, 1949, 1954, 1966, 1970, 1972-1974)

Webster, Sara (1983)

Wedgewood (1954, 1958-1959, 1961-1962)

Weese, Harry (1956)

Weill, Betsy (1977)

Weinberg, H. Barbara (1970, 1974, 1978, 1980)

Weinberg, Herbert (1954)

Weinrab, Ben (1966)

Weinreb Ltd. (1965)

Weirick, James (1974)

Weisberger, Bernard A. (1979)

Weiser, Walter (1956)

Weisman, Winston (1951-1957, 1960-1963, 1966, 1968, 1973-1975)

Weissburger, Herbert (1961)

Welch and Forbes (1956-1957, 1959, 1961, 1970, 1982, 1985)

Welch and Goodhue (1986)

Weller, Allen S. (1955)

Wellesley College (1945, 1947, 1952, 1954, 1958, 1969)

Wellington, Ohio (1973)

Wells College (1965)

Wells, Mason B. (1957-1958)

Wells, Ruth (1949)

Welsh College of Advanced Technology (1962-1963, 1966)

Wensinger, Arthur Stevens (1956, 1967)

Wenzinger, Jerry (1961)

Werkkunstschule Krefeld (1964-1965)

Wesley, Richard (1980)

Wesleyan College [Macon, Ga.] (1945)

Wesleyan University (1935, 1937-1943, 1945-1950, 1952, 1962-1963, 1967, 1973-1979, 1981-1982, 1987) ( -- see also -- : Gift)

West, J. (1952)

West-Taylor, John P. (1960, 1962)

Westbrook, Shirlee (1973-1974)

Western Reserve University (1952, 1958)

Weyhe, E. (1928, 1941, 1949, 1952-1953)

Wheaton College (1949, 1971)

Wheelock, Phyllis (1958)

Wheldon, Rupert (1927)

Whiffen, Marcus (1950-1966, 1968,-1969, 1971, 1978, 1980)

White House (1981, 1986)

White, Keith E. (1959)

White, Norval (1961)

White, Patricia (1975)

Whitechapel Art Gallery (1956)

Whitehead, Philip B. (1946)

Whitehill, Walter Muir (1951-1953, 1955, 1966, 1976)

Whitlock and Sons (1946)

Whitney Museum of American Art (1949-1950)

Whitson, Jim (1948)

Whitson Publishing Co. (1979)

Whittesley, Julian (1949)

Whittier, Charles H. (1970, 1973)

Who's Who -- (1946-1947, 1952, 1958, 1961, 1975, 1982)

Wichman, Douglas J. (1973)

Wick, Peter A. (1973)

Wickey, Thomas (1952)

Wickiser, Ralph L. (1955)

Wicksteed, O. H. (1956)

Wiebenson, Dora (1965-1966, 1968-1972, 1977, 1979, 1980)

Wiedenhoeft, Ron (1969)

Wilbraham Place (1953, 1955, 1957, 1959-1962)

Wildenstein, Georges (1953)

Wiley and Sons (1948, 1966)

Wilk, Christopher (1976, 1978)

Wilkie, David (1951-1955, 1957-1958)

Wilkinson (1956)

Wilkinson, Catherine M. (1963, 1965-1966)

Willard, Helen (1950)

Willett, Frederick W. (1969)

Williams, A. C. O'Malley (1961) ( -- see also -- : O'Malley-Williams, A. C.)

Williams, Arthur G. A. (1955)

Williams, B. (1957, 1964, 1967-1968)

Williams, Buck (1958)

Williams College (1940, 1946, 1948-1949, 1953, 1975-1976)

Williams College Museum of Art (1963)

Williams, Eda Carter (1958)

Williams, Edgar I. (1952)

Williams, David (1975)

Williams, Gail (1979)

Williams, J. Ronald (1967)

Williams, Marjory (1951)

Williams, Richard B. (1985)

Williams, Richmond (1960-1961, 1963)

Williams, Ronald (1973)

Williams, Stanley T. (1950)

Williams, Talcott (1940)

Williamsburg (1956-1957, 1961, 1972)

Williamson, L. S. (1962)

Willis, L. S. (1941)

Willis, Peter (1964-1965)

Wills, Royal Barry (1957)

Willson, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Van Vranken (1953)

Wilmerding, John (1966, 1968)

Wilson, A. F. Johnson (1950)

Wilson, Arnold (1962)

Wilson, Daphne (1951)

Wilson, H. L. McG. (1950)

Wilson, J. P. (1956)

Wilson, Jean (1950, 1955)

Wilson, Joan R. (1969)

Wilson, John H. (1980-1984)

Wilson, Richard G. (1971, 1973)

Wilson, Suzanne (1975, 1978)

Wilson, Thomas J. (1955)

Wimpfheimer, Greta (1950)

Winchester, Alice (1953)

Wind, Edgar (1945-1946)

Wingerter, Wolfgang (1981)

Winnipeg Art Gallery Association (1959)

Winslow House (1944-1945)

Winslow, Philip N. (1961)

Winslow, Ralph E. (1947)

Winter, Robert W. (1959)

Wintersteen, Bonnie (1952)

Winterthur Museum (1952-1953, 1955-1957, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1969, 1983)

Winterthur Program, University of Delaware (1954-1955)

Winthrop and Co. (1926)

Wichnitzer, Rachel (1951)

Wischnitzer, Ruth (1964)

Wisconsin State Conservation Commission for Historic Preservation (1972)

Wisconsin, State Historical Society of (1960)

Wisconsin, University of (1946-1947, 1963, 1967, 1977)

Wisner, John B. (1970-1971)

Wittamer, L. (1961, 1962)

Wittenborn and Co. (1947, 1949-1950, 1955)

Wittenborn, George (1967-1968)

Wittkower Fellowship Fund (1974)

Wittkower, Rudolph (1945, 1949, 1951-1954, 1947, 1959, 1966-1968)

Wittler, Leila (1947, 1950)

Wittmann, Otto (1952, 1964)

Witwatersrand, University of the (1948-1950)

WNET, Channel Thirteen ( -- see -- : Thirteen, WNET)

Woburn Public Library (1936)

Wofsy, Alan (1982)

Wolf, Gertrude (1952)

Wolf, J. Robert (1962)

Wolf, Peter M. (1965, 1970)

Wolf, Reva (1980)

Wolfe, Christopher (1977)

Wolfe, R. (1963)

Wolff, Michael (1957)

Wollman, Henry (1971, 1973, 1976-1978)

Wood, Barbara L. (1950)

Wood, Charles B. (1971, 1974)

Wood, W. L. (1941)

Wood, Welby Carter (1970)

Woodbridge, Henry (1949)

Woodhouse, Lawrence M. (1965, 1984)

Woodring, Carl (1971)

Woodrow Wilson Foundation (1969-1970)

Woodside, Joan (1974-1980, 1983-1984, 1986)

Woolf, Virginia (1927)

Worbs, Dietrich (1982-1983)

Worcester Art Museum (1947, 1981)

World Construction Program (1957)

World Crossroads of Learning, Inc. (1965)

World Publishing Co. (1952, 1967)

World Writing (1953)

Wortman, Julie (1974)

Wrenn, George (1959)

Wright, Benjamin F. (1949, 1951)

Wright, David (1950-1952)

Wright, Frank Lloyd (1937, 1942-1943, 1945, 1947, 1950-1953, 1957-1958, 1978, 1980, 1982-1983, undated)

Wright, Mrs. Frank Lloyd (1959)

Wright, Frank Lloyd, Home and Studio Foundation (1977, 1984)

Wright, Frank Lloyd, and -- In the Nature of Materials -- (1941)

Wright, John Lloyd (1968)

Wriston, Barbara (1952-1953, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1967)

Wurm, Heinrich (1966)

Wurster, William W. (1943-1944, 1946,-1948, 1950, 1951-1957, 1959, 1961)

Wurster, William W. and Catherine 1945

Wyoming, University of (1975)

Xenakis, Jason (1958)

Yale Review -- (1966-1968, 1970)

Yale University (1947-1960, 1962-1963, 1965-1979, 1982, 1986)

Yardley, Michael (1975-1978)

Yeon, John (1954)

York City Art Gallery (1958)

York Institute of Architectural Study (1957-1959, 1961)

York, University of (1962, 1970)

Yorke, R.F.S. (1952)

Youell, William (1948)

Young, E. A. (1947)

Young, Elaine (1962)

Young, Elizabeth (1961)

Young, Paul E. (1949)

Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred B. (1954-1955)

Youritzin, Glenda Green (1974)

Zacchwatowicz, Jim (1963)

Zador, Anna (1970, 1972)

Zarnecki, George (1953)

Zaroff, Anne T. (1975)

Zawisa, Bernard J. (1952-1953, 1956)

Zenith Corp. (1969-1970)

Zenobi Sarto (1963)

Zerkowitz, A. (1957)

Zevi, Bruno (1952)

Zewicher, Mrs. Victor K. (1950)

Zimmerman Brothers (1963-1966, 1969)

Zimmerman, Mrs. Isadore (1952)

Zodiac Revue -- (1959-1969)

Zorn, Kate (1979)

Zubarec, Michael (1956-1957)

Zwemmer, A. (1946-1948, 1955, 1959)

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.